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Joined 2 months ago
Cake day: August 3rd, 2024


  • The user base has changed. Before it used to be used by young people willing to share their parts of lives, exchanging f.e. studying material Now it is used by mostly older people (over 30) having family not willing that much to share anything from their lives except from talking to their relatives over the messanger.

    So who creates the information today? I guess bots and sometimes some facebook groups but I noticed that facebook shares your group posts to absolutely not related people to that group.

    Including your mum and sister, the posts related on smoking weed and going to techno parties.

    Young people (Gen-Z) don’t use facebook pretty much at all. Sometimes maybe messanger because of their family

  • Whole country was anticommunist scumbags? 68, 80, 82? People were protesting because high prices of groceries, basic products, lack of flats, no work opportunities for educated people. You have no slightest idea what you’re saying. My father and mother were protesting as students, but my father’s father was in the party, director of the cheese factory and even that fact didn’t protect my father. You’re really commie scumbag for advocating violence for the protesting people. Allegedly protesting and human rights were guaranteed in those communist countries constitutions

  • Free Healthcare as long as you manage to survive the queues and not to die in between. Same with everything. Good propaganda bloke, people kept waiting for own flat 30 years and even after that you didn’t get it without connections. My parents weren’t in the party, the all bought the flat in that bad capitalism.

    Not mentioning my father beaten down by prison guards because taking part in students protests. So called “path of health”