• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 28th, 2023


  • The mod even stated that the articles weren’t bullshit and please explain how the posting behaviour amounts to bad faith as defined by wikipedia:

    Bad faith (Latin: mala fides) is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another.[1] It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service.[2] It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception.

    Ozma was not being deceptive, pretending feelings or paying lip service. He was honest snd consistent, people just didn’t want to hear it.

  • So people who only post positive articles are also propagandists who should be banned?

    I really don’t understand how this is classed as bad faith, which wikipedia describes as:

    Bad faith (Latin: mala fides) is a sustained form of deception which consists of entertaining or pretending to entertain one set of feelings while acting as if influenced by another.[1] It is associated with hypocrisy, breach of contract, affectation, and lip service.[2] It may involve intentional deceit of others, or self-deception. >

  • knee-jerk downvotes because “muh fee-fees"

    Self fulfilling prophecy… i do want to downvote this childish crap. It adds nothing and makes you seem unserious.

    And Democrats would also be wise to consider the experience of European countries where right-leaning populist parties have lately been doing especially well among younger voters. Far from repelling these voters, many find the antiestablishment and elite-bashing politics of these new parties attractive, channeling their dissatisfaction with the recent past, the status quo and “politics as usual.”

    I agree with this wholeheartedly. Maga communism is a fascinating development in that area and i think it’s here on lemmy.

  • What is happening now is we’re importing people into the country that want to be in America … but have no interest in being Americans, and that’s very different and to disparage the comments is to chill the conversation so that we can continue to bring in more people that we never met that are un-American,” Perry said, according to the recording.

    TBH, a lot of migrants to the west do not share my progressive, secular values and that bothers me a bit. It’s also forbidden to speak of on the left. To be intolerant of misogynist and homophobic religious nutters from elsewhere is racism of course. Obviously it’s not a conspiracy, just economics driving people to where the money is, but can we not admit that it has an effect on the culture?

  • From another comment:

    To people who aren’t sure if this should be illegal or what the big deal is: according to Harvard clinical psychiatrist and instructor Dr. Alok Kanojia (aka Dr. K from HealthyGamerGG), once non-consensual pornography (which deepfakes are classified as) is made public over half of people involved will have the urge to kill themselves. There’s also extreme risk of feeling depressed, angry, anxiety, etc. The analogy given is it’s like watching video the next day of yourself undergoing sex without consent as if you’d been drugged.

    Try to imagine watching a realistic video of yourself being abused, imagine your mother watching. That will absolutely fuck some people up, and a lot of those victims are going to be children. Shit is going to get bad.