Ears turn out to be a good way to recognize individuals. Ear biometrics is an evolving area.
Ears turn out to be a good way to recognize individuals. Ear biometrics is an evolving area.
Right! They used to have a commercial airliner that broke the sound barrier.
I was confused about how the article kept saying “hypersonic” without defining it. Looks like hypersonic means 5x the speed of sound.
This thing is huge, it does 0-60 in under 3 seconds, has sharp angles, and its styling does not seem to target the sensible end of the market… It’s like an industrial strength pedestrian destroyer.
The only argument in favor if this bill seems to be that the Ten Commandments were taught in our nation’s earliest schools…
Imagine all the crazy things that were taught in 18th & 19th century schools. It’s just a stupid argument on its face.
I would think it would also increase costs on the agency.
This is pure old-person “butts in seats == productivity” mentality.
Maybe the thing to do here, when web sites start enforcing this, is to swamp them with support requests. Don’t write a screed or manifesto with ethical or technical reasons why this is wrong. Pretend to be a non-technically-inclined user and tell them you’ve spent hours trying to get it to work and your browser keeps throwing up errors you don’t understand. They will ignore the principles, but if they think the technology is “too hard” for their “dumb users,” that might carry more weight.
The funny thing is AI is not really mentioned in the rest of the article. I don’t think any of the new technology being introduced has anything to do with AI.
I guess “AI” is just a synonym for “new stuff” now.