I so want to make Kate happen, but everytime I try to replace vscodium with it I get showstoppers. presently it handles my ansible stuff OK and I still get issues with complex javascript and django stuff, but I’m not giving up, keep up the good work!
people are missing the mark; the “not hiding” is an imposed narrative, a straw man argument and a false dichotomy, all in one.
the issue is not whether you have or don’t something to hide, as this “hide” part implies something inherently sinister. the issue is you being forced to share stuff you haven’t decided to do so.
when I’m not sharing the quality of my morning’s stool across all my social media outlets, it’s not something I’m hiding, it’s something I haven’t decided on sharing with the public. consequently, I don’t allow my software, hardware, service provider, government, or whoever-the-fuck to do it for me.
so what this false equivalency is doing is moving the onus from the evildoer to me, forcing me to explain why I don’t like what this fucker is doing. fuck him and the horse he rode in on.