Help me understand pls?
Help me understand pls?
Likewise. My promotion was less than the annual inflation.
Why is it that these fucks get to increase their price and just to offer shittier service but if I want a raise at my job I’ve got to go above and beyond?
This is Valve thinking ahead - when we invent the ability to respawn, we can just log back in like death never happened.
Yep AI at best can supplement talent, not replace it.
Yeah maybe if the wars in the world subside.
The cheek of these motherfuckers
I’ve not had any disappointing results from VLC. Is there a reason why MPV would be recommended over VLC or MPC-BE?
Watch how they steadily increase the price now (which they’ve already been doing)
Well put
Every time I see a news article like this I’m confused as it seems Republicans are clearly putting their own voter base down, yet continue to be supported by them.