You’d think this would make it very easy for reddit admins to find and ban bots.
You’d think this would make it very easy for reddit admins to find and ban bots.
Have her go and get fitted. Many women don’t know what their band/cup size really is.
Also, IMO, women’s pant sizes are where the real absurdity in sizes is.
Sour cream. As a kid, I didn’t like it. Now it’s essential on my tacos, pierogi, and chili.
I know people don’t like the technical interview, but for me, it’s not about knowledge but process. I don’t care that you don’t have something memorized or don’t know the syntax without your linter. I want to see how you figure it out. I was interviewing for a junior web developer, and I gave them the task of fizzbuzz. I told them it was OK to use Google or any other tool. The interview ended with the prospect in tears. I felt very bad and told them they could finish it outside the interview and send it to us (they didn’t). Somehow, they were still on our shortlist.
It is entertaining to consider that modems were just computers screaming at each other in shrill voices.
TBF all those sci-fi transparent displays would be terrible to use
Yeah, it’s not about complexity things you can do with python, it’s the complexity of getting it to run. That continues to be the biggest pain point for me.
So I guess every reaction and review on the internet that is ad supported or behind a payroll is theft too?
Back in the day it was a very think pane of glass that I couldn’t really harm. Now, I do not punch the monitor.
This is a great example terrible AI writing.
Pretty sure that with a permissive license you can just change the license of future versions as you want. Ex. v1 MIT license with thousanda.of contributors, v2 Commercial license with contributions from anyone who agrees to contribute to the new version and license. (Anyone can fork v1 and start their own licensed project)
“No fair! They’re politically motivated to (checks notes) fulfil their duty to inform the public about my political motivation too … usher in a dark age for America.”
Does no one know how lobbying works? Lobbyists whole job is following politicians votes, etc. and calling or applying what pressure they have to the ones they believe are vulnerable.
Did they try Stack overflow?
Silly non sequitur. Even in his State of the Union he gave his position on his support of corporations but the need to keep them reigned in, primarily through taxes.
The number one thing that gets in my way of refactoring to function is figuring out what to name the functions takes too long.
Gonna assume controlled burns in difficult terrain.
I just considered that at some point advertising will be catering to AIs, if they aren’t already.