Best thing I’ve used in forever.
Best thing I’ve used in forever.
Recently made some jam. Was really impressed by how low tech the process was. Just cook some fruits, separate the roughage and branches and seeds, etc. Add sugar and cook it again. I believe you also have to add pectin if the fruit you’re turning into jam doesn’t have a lot of it.
Then bottle the stuff and enjoy it with bread for a long long time!
Could it be that the one who tweets is also this scammer?
Good riddance. Fucker.
A tutorial tried to get me to install emacs the other day. I guffawed in nano.
First war on drugs was against black people and hippies. Second seems to be against women. History will laugh at these idiots.
Fucker wants to know why peaceful protesters who just want their bodily rights aren’t being prosecuted just like hypocritical assholes who say they respect Blue Lives but aren’t averse to killing a cop or two while overthrowing the govt.
Much hilarity ensues.
“Govt-mandated backdoor in Apple chips revealed”
There, fixed that for you.
You’re saying Kamala has never visited an abortion clinic?
Very Firewatch… love it!
Do you know how little that narrows it down?
Companies at that level don’t give a cap about ’valuable’ employees. They would just as easily get rid of the high paid employees.
Great explanation!!! Thanks! 😊
Wow. That… sucks! But there’s an iCal floating around that you can subscribe to in your calendar. I’ll dig up a link if you can’t find it.
Didn’t Yuval Noah Harari mention this in Sapiens 10 years ago?
You need the Japanese 52 seasons calendar. You can subscribe to it in your phone and get a notification when the season changes.
So can we tax that?
W3s is where is starts for me. Then move to MDN for more specific and in depth things. W3s just gives the best examples and has that lovely playground for every documentation step.
Yup. That’s my one hangup. Except you don’t even need to install Dropbox. It just uses the Dropbox API (correct me if I’m wrong please).
The developer is a single(?) person based out of Germany and is pretty chill. I didn’t know it had Ubuntu and all support till after using it for a long time. I literally would use it just for iOS to Mac and back.