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Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I felt like I must have misread the ruling after seeing all of the articles and comments.

    Former presidents also have a “presumption of immunity” for their official acts while in office — but, the court ruled, there is no immunity for “unofficial acts.”

    So chutkin is going to decide what acts were official acts and which were unofficial.

    But “presumption of immunity” is a weird fucking phrase too because it makes it seem like you can prove they aren’t immune? Like presumption of innocence–you start there and work the other way. So presumably(pardon the pun) you can start there with this and work the other way still?

    I’d need actual lawyers to make this make sense.

    But either way it didn’t seem as “carte Blanche presidents can do anything” to me when I read it.

  • It highlighted some pretty glaring weaknesses in OSS as well. Over worked maintainers, unvetted contributers, etc etc.

    The XZ thing seems like we got “lucky” more than anything. But that type of attack may have been successful already or in progress elsewhere. It’s not like people are auditing every line of every open source tool/library. It takes really talented devs and researchers to truly audit code.

    I mean, I certainly couldn’t do it for anything semi advanced, super clever, or obfuscated the way the XZ thing was.

    But I agree, that the fact we could audit it at all is a plus. The flip side is: an unvetted bad actor was able to publish these changes because of the nature of open source. I’m not saying bad actors can’t weasel their way into Microsoft, but that’s a much higher bar in terms of vetting.

  • The article even states this is a thinly veiled ad for some other “method”.

    The agile manifesto is fantastic. Scrum can work wonders as a means for providing a framework to hang “agile principles” onto.

    Most organizations don’t do “scrum” well or quickly lose sight of the “why” behind it.

    Companies are gonna company at the end of the day. Process + bureaucracy + buzzwords + ill-informed management + vendors promises + shit customers/product owners = late projects.

    Agile done right, works. The benefit agile has over waterfall(the process it replaced in a lot of places), imo, is that it’s predicated on working software, responding to change and working collaboratively/iteratively.

  • There are certainly very dumb people that support trump. There seems to be a willful ignorance amongst his base. That said, dismissing them all as “dummies” hides the really scary problem: they aren’t necessarily dumb; they are brainwashed.

    Imagine if all you heard was how great Trump was, how much he’s accomplished, how badly Democrats want to bring him down, how they are setting him up,that Biden is the reason for these prosecutions, and never hearing any of the facts about the cases or anything remotely negative about Trump.

    If you lived your entire life main-lining conservative talk radio, YouTube conservative conspiracy theorists, Fox News, news Maxx…and then have social media magnifying those views by feeding you all the things you already want to Believe (because you’ve been listening to this shit for years). Now Facebook is saying all of your friends think this way too.

    Then you have republican “leadership” lying to you or misrepresenting almost everything because they can’t afford to lose their clicks or have news Maxx call them a Democrat plant. They are doing everything they can to stay in power even if it means they have no ethics or values. So they’ll sit there and weasel out of having any sort of backbone against obvious corruption or criminal activity.

    And because of all that, people who grew up believing the news wouldn’t straight up lie or that their party has integrity, ethics, and values…they end up believing what they hear. It’s what their friends say on Facebook. It’s a massive groupthink.

    When people say it’s like a cult, it truly is. They need to be deprogrammed. You know how hard it is to break people from their religion? That’s how hard it’s going to be to reel back Maga people.

    But from their absolutely misguided, misinformed foundation, they are acting rationally. If everything they hear on a daily basis is true, of course they are fired up.

    This trick is: how do we reach them? How can we even start reeling them back in?

    We need things like this guilty verdict. We need actual leadership in the Republican party to stand up for what’s right and admonish his behavior. A group of them need to do it together so they can’t be picked off like injured gazelle by news outlets whose business is outrage.

  • I don’t watch much TV anymore. Actually I’ve probably watched less than an hour of actual TV this year.

    Watching that clip of Noem was shocking. She says nothing. Answers nothing. When she is obviously backed in a corner she says she “doesn’t answer hypotheticals” and starts talking about an open border. Obviously South Dakota a land locked, non-border state is very concerned about this.

    The reporter did okay, but she should have pressed even harder to push back against all of the lies. But the whole questioning around the jurors and if she would have decided the same way (after already getting her to basically say the jurors decided correctly with the information they had) she even accidentally admitted the evidence was overwhelmingly lop sided because uh…of course it was.

    Anyway, that was brilliant from the host.