^ this
As an example of scale, my company has an entire IT team of a handful of people for managing such an environment for a thousand or so devs and engineers.
^ this
As an example of scale, my company has an entire IT team of a handful of people for managing such an environment for a thousand or so devs and engineers.
You very much gloss over the whole “distribution” part. That is one of the main three segments of an electric grid (generation, transmission, distribution). Practical Engineering has some great content about how the grid works and addresses some of the problems renewables face in certain aspects iirc. I recommend giving it a watch or at least a background listen. His first video that is a good place to start, and the “which power plant does my electricity come from” with the lake analogy is also a good intro.
Having a DER system is great and all because the transmission system doesn’t have to be as highly loaded (thus increasing the total load a system can withstand), but you still need to be pretty connected for something like this to work - and like others have pointed out, that’s going to mean building a parallel grid (which the energy regulators won’t like if you get too big) or hooking into the existing grid (which probably already has DER management baked into the system if you contact your local power company).
The grid works because it’s big. That’s a feature, not a bug. And because we have AC not DC on the wire, any energized and connected generator has to be in dead lockstep with the grid frequency or else your hardware is going to become a load, make expensive noises, emit magic smoke, or some combination thereof.
One major edge case you have is night charging of EVs. Let’s say I’m a 9-5 office worker with a standard parking lot at my workplace. I’m just a keyboard monkey doing whatever, so I’m not a decision maker as to what goes in the parking lot infrastructure wise, so I’m at the mercy of whatever Facilities is doing, and gods know what that is. But I have a nice brand new EV, and I want to charge it. When I drive home after DST ends, it’s dark outside. There’s no solar to charge my car. Some renewables (like wind and hydro) work at night, but solar doesn’t. I’d need to charge an auxillary power storage system during the day, and then transfer that to my EV battery at night. That’s more complexity.
Power storage of any kind of generation is a huge issue with many different solutions, and not all of them are batteries. And nothing is a perfect system, so there’s energy losses whenever we convert from type A to type B of whatever.
Or… I could just hook my EV up to the grid where the cost of my bill per kilowatt hour includes systems and people to manage keeping the system on voltage and on frequency, 24/7/365.25.
Any power produced during that day for a solar system that doesn’t get immediately used needs to be stored (because it HAS to get put somewhere or you literally break the grid or waste it). That energy storage - along with the voltage converters - is going to take up extra cubic footage in your system that won’t be small, and requires regular monitoring and maintenance to stay online. The system you’re proposing is going to create many fragments of the grid in the form of these pop up neighborhood charging stations entirely dependent on what resources are available in less than a mile radius.
Even if you assume that you don’t have to frequency synchronize with the main grid and you’re fully isolated, you run into another big problem: local generation isn’t always perfect. Solar especially is very susceptible to the giant orb in the sky being around, so your local energy storage needs to account for being able to hold enough power for a certain percentage above your worst case cloudy day while maintaining the necessary output to sustain the local EVs depending on it. If you get a 2- or 3- day storm, I hope you have enough energy storage to have low daytime charge rates for 4- to 5- days. In the playlist, there’s also a video talking about using hydroelectric generators in reverse to store energy as physical potential energy in a reservoir as one example of how a grid might store excess energy.
This is one thing the major grids are quite literally engineered and regulated to accomplish: because they are in fact so large, they can just import energy via the market system from somewhere with better weather or is slightly off-peak demand. And when one type of energy becomes less viable for a given weather condition (like solar on a cloudy day) they have a diversified generation portfolio of other sources: renewables like wind and hydro, nuclear energy for big orders, and even grid-scale energy storage system such as flywheels (fast stabilization), pumped water storage, and even giant batteries, and if all those fail, well yes we do still have dinosaurs to burn. (The world’s not perfect yet and we should by all means go for progress, but it will be a long road). And all these sources are already working together to keep the grids on voltage and on frequency, and have physical and managerial infrastructure to keep everything connected and synchronized such that supply and demand are balanced.
Adding to the other person - the auto thumbnail it adds makes it look like YouTube spam. That plus the wall of text makes it look like a low effort LLM post
Isn’t venmo owned by PayPal for the past 10y?
I have five Dell servers in the rack, and another two Dells and three x9? (Atom C2758 8-core if memory serves) Supermicros on the shelf.
I think only one or two of the Dells came with iDRAC Enterprise and all the Supermicros had full licensing. It’s absolutely beautiful (once you get done fighting the software updates to purge the Java gremlins).
My three R730s were upgraded to Enterprise as soon as I had budget and a spare line item to do so. Power on/off is great and console+ISO is peak. I love this.
If you’re looking at Intel, you might be thinking IME/vPro
IPMI (such as iDRAC on Dell) runs off-processor on a different section of the motherboard typically and is installed on AMD servers as well.
What’s the difference between horizontal and vertical integration? (I know a few business words but usually not enough to be intelligent, this is a genuine question of confusion)
It’s on APNews too - it’s real
Just because sponsor block exists, doesn’t mean video creators shouldn’t be better.
Just like UBO and web ads.
For Certbot, I think it’s even further up the chain - OpenSSL. And if you’re installing it to Apache or Nginx, its probably just OpenSSL again.
Which is exactly where Sun Unix keyboards place it, in a same spot
Sadly the so-called “smart TV” is becoming the norm. Companies add unnecessary crap to TVs that’s often as slow as your car’s factory infotainment system, and when they feel like not upgrading the software anymore for security issues in a few years, it’s a permanent security hazard until you disconnect it from the network.
I have a Vizio TV from several years ago with Yahoo branded smart functions (that should date it) that I need to factory reset because I can’t find the WiFi password erase.
Before anyone gets too deep I’d like to point out that this is just about hosting vector tiles, the actual tile gen is a separate project. Not to say that hosting large sets of files is trivial, just that there’s more to the picture than one repo.
Oh totally. I have a pile of RS-232 adapters that you still need to program just about every modern Ethernet switch, and they’re all type-A ports.
Not on all vendors tho - coloring was an optional part of the standard. Dell often uses grey for USB3
If you’re trying to get Lemmy to print the backslash, you need to make it a double backslash since backslash is an “escape” character that means “ignore any special formatting meaning of the next character” (among other meanings)
You’d be surprised. My mouse only needs 2.0, but uses a C connector for compatibility. It provides an A to C cable with only 2.0 wiring, which is a decision I assume they made to allow the wire to be more flexible as it can be charged during use or used entirely wired.
Where I went to college, they probably didn’t directly have the key, that’d have to go through maintenance. But one of the things you signed on to initially was for maintenance to enter if they needed to while you were out.
Plus, at least half of the WAPs were actually in rooms and not hallways, so to service the network beyond IDF problems they’d have to get in
This is true of a even some public universities in the US. I can’t remember if it was a rule where I was, but definitely most freshman did just live in dorms.
Lot of folks brought their own desktops to set up, and we were allowed Ethernet switches to hook up multiple devices - had to be wired. Wireless had two options, WPA# 802.1X or unencrypted captive portal guest. If your device didn’t support that, it had to be wired by policy.
And they weren’t wrong, I did a radio scan and they had the full sized enterprise access points about as good as they could (with a few low signal exceptions, and the air waves were still overloaded with too many people. The building uplink was perfectly fine, it was just overcrowded wireless.
I work in IT. If someone came to ask me if they could install this on their system I’d tell them no, based only on this trailer. You’ve got to give us more info.
I’m all for open source and open systems that can be built up as needed, but people like me would need information to make decisions. Unlike your typical corporate executive or manager, technical people aren’t as easily conned by hype videos. I’ve seen more information published from a game company that’s trying to hide spoilers. The only technical information I could spot was that neofetch like screen, so I know you’ve got something Unix-like.
Also, if you’re going to be coy and post publicly but then send people on a treasure hunt, pick a less generic name or else you’re going to get lost on page 3 of Google. You list “Open Systems OS 1.0” on one slide, and that search for me returns OSF/1 (1990s), OpenKylin (a Chinese Linux), and classic Mac OS as the top results.
I get that software development takes time, and good software development takes even longer, but if you don’t have the info it’s too young in the development cycle for a hype video. It also tells me that if you’re using semantic versioning you’re using it wrong, because v1.0 of semver implies to be your first stable API, which you either have and are hiding or don’t have so you shouldn’t be at 1.0.
Even just one sentence “I am building a Unix-like operating system using a [custom|Linux|BSD] kernel which is designed to [fly model airplanes]” would be better than a void. That kind of sentence will get the right people interested in you project and asking the right questions. For example, if you’re about model airplanes or server hosting, I might be interested. But if you’re building an OS around someone who wants to use their computer like a VN, that’s not my cup of tea personally. You haven’t dis-proven the latter yet, though I assume it’s an unlikely occurrence.