Vectorman had a ton of those. ABRACADABRA would restore your HP. BALL and BALD would both display coordinates in the screen corner, one of them had more precision than the other I think. That was more annoying that useful for someone just playing but I remember the codes anyway.
Soda hits a spot that sugary drinks without the fizz don’t. It’s why sodas taste awful when they’ve gone flat. If I buy one of those prepackaged sweet teas I can’t handle it, the sweetness is somehow overpowering for me. Same goes for most juices.
For me, sugar really brings out the flavor in things though. The sugar in a soda works to enhance the flavor, while the carbonation offsets the strength of the sugar. If I water down a soda with seltzer it’s okay, but it’s much more bland, so much less enjoyable. It really is the combination of the two that works here.
With that said, I am pretty picky with my sodas (much like everything else I’m eating or drinking, unfortunately). Anything I don’t enjoy much more than water I’ll turn down. I like colas and birch beers and cream sodas, not so much orange/grape soda or sprite.