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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 2nd, 2023


  • It’s gotten a lot better in recent years tbf in terms of those kinds of resources. Beginner recommended languages like Python are still a pain because it’s super easy for a beginner to bork how they set it up, but on the whole there’s plenty of online code sandboxes and other ways to get started.

    Your point is definitely valid though. Why on earth would we want someone who’s just showing an interest in programming to write their own compiler??? Wtf? If someone wants to get into baking you don’t send them out into the fields for 6 months to grow some wheat.

    When I was a kid I mucked around with html and css to make some GeoCities sites. I decided I wanted to learn how to code so I got a book from the library called “how to code games for beginners” or something. The thing never told you how to set up an IDE or compile the game. So I was just frustratingly typing out the code examples into notepad without a clue as to what to do. I think this was during the dialup era so it wasn’t like there was a wealth of info online.

    I ended up abandoning programming for quite a few years. It just seemed like nonsense because writing graphics libs for C in notepad does feel like nonsense to a child. I wonder what life would be like if I had some better resources at that moment in time and decided you continue pursuing it.

  • I agree that limiting the amount you can have personally makes sense. 50g is just way too little I think. A very normal sized plant in a standard pot will easily produce significantly more than 50g of bud.

    There definitely needs to be a limit. Not letting people have more than a kg for example 100% makes sense. Letting people grow their own is a fantastic way to cut out the black market. But we need to make sure that people who are growing their own don’t need to fret so much about staying under a very low gram limit. If people like me are worried about accidentally letting the plant grow so it produces 51g of dried material then I’m less likely to do it myself and will acquire it another way.

    If the limit is say 200g then you could comfortably grow one plant in a normal sized pot. Harvest it. And be under the limit without stress, and not need to buy any for a whole year until you grow more the next year. No need to buy from a black market then.

  • It’s still a bit concerning that we don’t have clear guidelines on how growing and harvesting these plants will be enforced with this very low limit. If someone grows 1 plant and doesn’t smoke the harvest quickly enough they might have say 300g of harvest and they suddenly go from legal while it’s growing to illegal 2 days later. If you’re in a state where they might want to be stricter on growing this could be a real problem.

    Having limits on grams carried in public whilst not part of a cannabis club makes sense to me, but this restriction on quantities at home when you are home growing doesn’t.

  • HDR support is supposedly fixed on kde and should be getting fixed in most other distros soon supposedly.

    Unity worked for me on pop os after some fiddling and installing of dependencies, but it didn’t fully work. There was a bunch of tools (like animation keyframes) which just didn’t display correctly for me though. Checking out the source code of one the util did a check to see whether it was running on windows or Mac, then exited if it wasn’t either of those. Would be good to run it via proton if possible so we get full support without the Devs needing to write tons of code to support a small percentage of users. That experience is pretty common when running Linux as your main, but the other benefits make up for it.

  • I’ve seen videos of a firm doing interesting stuff with bigger “mothership” drones that hover much higher and then lower a much smaller drone like thing on a cable to place the parcel on the ground. They can hit pretty precise targets and can maneuver around more obstacles than bigger drones can.

    All that needs to happen is for the tech to advance to the point where it’s cheaper to do x% of their deliveries via automated drones than it would cost to have delivery drivers do it and they’ll start doing it. Saving millions(billions?) by say halving the number of human operated delivery trucks will make it a no brainer for them.