Ironic slang is just slang that hasn’t grown up yet.
Ironic slang is just slang that hasn’t grown up yet.
Can you just drop to assembly for what you want to do? Gnu compilers even have inline assembly, but with any compiler you should at least be able to built a separate, assembly, object file.
Header files aren’t part of the C++ language at all.
Also mandatory “C++/C is not a language”
Member functions that are defined within a class definition are implicitly inline
I’ll throw in, YouTube channels are all fully functional RSS feeds, and you don’t need to interact with YouTube at all to get your subscriptions.
Nicotine eCigarettes are still available by prescription
I disagree with the chosen changes , but they come as a result of nicotine being found in the vast majority of “nicotine-free” vapes and juices. So we’re not really coming from a position of “choose what goes into your body”.
The FTC argued this would happen, it’s the court that swallowed Microsoft’s tripe. This is the FTC’s “I told you, bro!”
In the UK, state pension age would need to be 70 or 71 compared with 66 now, to maintain the status quo of the number of workers per state pensioner.
There isn’t a real problem here, it’s literally just to keep an arbitrary metric stable.
Is that the OSS F_Droid feeder or the other one?
Absolutely, there are a good few window managers designed to be standalone. I use AwesomeWM and i3 is very popular.
If you don’t need a full desktop environment it’s nice to have something that mostly stays out of the way.
There’s an Australian company targeting that market, although AFAICT is vapourware so far, and imo a little too low performance for the price
Which EV manufacturer doesn’t use DRM or similar post-sale controls?
I can’t speak to your other requirements but the Nokia brand has a couple of repairable phones as a result of an ifixit partnership.
As Linux Phones they’re a bit more niche but the Librem 5 and the Pine Phone/Pro are very repairability focussed
Ironically Nokia* now make highly repairable phones** again
* Specifically, the company that bought the Nokia Phones brand
** Only their G series
My Galaxy S2 actually had more updates than it could handle. While the last useful update had already slowed down the phone somewhat, the last available update was actually completely uninstallable - the portion of Google play services that was required to be installed on the system memory was larger than the entire system memory.
I more than doubled the useful life of that phone by switching to LineageOS / microG.
Chip support is definitely an issue with these devices, but it’s Google that’s running the treadmill. groups
This is definitely a feature that needs to be an addon rather than in core Firefox, as it could easily interfere with users who organise tabs in different ways (e.g. Tree tabs)
The US Textbook industry single-handedly justifies the existence of Library Genesis (if it requires justification)
Scrum that’s not adapted to your needs isn’t scrum.