196cm and happy with it. Great for rowing, too.
196cm and happy with it. Great for rowing, too.
Can you support her in any way? Give her something personal she would enjoy? Your connection to your daughter is what is priceless to you. Protect it. Love her well, in a way she understands.
I am wise and intelligent.
Leave the country, work abroad for a while.
Not a tech person. Working on my PhD in theoretical computer science.
Interesting. I was considering doing magic mushrooms precisely with that goal. Can you please elaborate? What did you think/feel about while high, and how did it rewire you? Is there a connection you can see in retrospect?
Is this Pic you, how you reject the premise?
I check the economist if i want to check wild rumors. The humor is great and subtle. It is on the conservative side thought.
Came here to post this. Thank you for your service.