Tesla? Making shoddy vehicles?
Tesla? Making shoddy vehicles?
People have become dramatically more capable over time; we can already accomplish things now that our predecessors would have believed impossible.
And a select few have massively profited from it while labour produces more and more without increasing compensation
The source didn’t have this detail - google training gemini “cloud” vs “own hardware”. Does Google Cloud not count as “own hardware” for google?
alrighty then. Dig your heels in.
You are inferring what someone meant, and then applying some super pedantic reasoning.
When manufacturing pagers, that includes the pager electronics, the case, and the battery.
Wasn’t exploding batteries
The batteries themselves unmodified, standard batteries were not somehow hacked to explode. At some point in the manufacturing of the pagers which includes the battery, explosives were included.
Did you read it?
The article literally talks about inserting an explosive layer inside the battery at production. Just like the comment said.
It isn’t “any batteries can explode”.
Reports indicate the explosive payload in the cells is made of PETN.
Such a sheet could be inserted into the battery fold-and-stack process, after the first fold is made (or, with some effort, perhaps PETN could be incorporated into the spacer polymer itself – but let’s assume for now it’s just a drop-in sheet, which is easy to execute and likely effective)
“Atlassian - for when you want make your security team really work”
weird spam ad for openai?
If only international companies who produce the most issues for the climate made significant changes to their business first.
We should all “play our part”. But assuming everyone in the world got rid of their cars and solely relied on bicycles, for example, how much impact would that really have? Compared to huge lorries on the road and shipping companies burning bunker oil?
cutting head count without “firing” people. standard capitalism bullshit.
stop using amazon. let it rot.
Why do you think the NSA is targeting you?
ban this MF posting untagged nsfw
find the account in the modlog
Watch where you are going, dont stare at your phone and be blind to the others. Be courteous
Does your PC support Wake-On-Lan? Effectively, leaving the port powered to allow switching on over the network
The same low quality shit, now produced twice as fast with fewer employees; thus more money for executives.
The opposite of what players want
ok thanks google ceo. please explain
I remember this happening with google glasses as well