Maybe read posts are hidden? You’ll have to log in to your instance in a browser to check. is that you?
Dang. Must be the reason why I stopped watching. Even just behind the scenes she was invaluable.
She came out about two years ago or so. Sadly no new videos with her moderating since then, as far as I know.
She goes by Emily now.
I think Hellblade 2 is one of the best looking games currently.
Good thing about my ! is that I don’t have to adher to society’s waking hours anymore.
Those Chinese astronomers who documented a supernova from which we can now study the remnants of with precise timing.
If Quentin Tarantino would make a Star Wars movie I would probably watch it even if it was in Disnep’s canon. He’s even more of a movie nerd than George Lucas. I think he would get it right.
Never understood why he rather wanted to make Star Trek.
I think Valve would have gone ahead without DXVK as well. Either with Gallium Nine or Wine’s Direct3D implementation or so. With the Steam Machines they were already on the Linux train before DXVK.
All users of my instance were unanimous in their wish to ban that bot.
There used to be such a bot. I banned it because often it was the only comment on a post, making me believe that a person commented. But it shouldn’t be too hard to write your own for whatever community you want.
ALDI’s notes: raise price 32 days before discount.
I wanna take you to the J bar!
Poor, poor carmakers. If only they could have had several decades to prepare for this.
I didn’t even suspect that Krita would have audio playback.
Do you mean, blocking people from accessing it? Not every website needs that.
That said, on my own blog I just manually approve every comment. People I have already approved may post comments without waiting for moderation.
It’s the original YouTube app but with addons. Revanced actually uses Newpipe to offer downloads. Biggest difference is that you can log in with your YouTube account on Revanced.