Music lover and English teacher with an interest in slightly geeky things

mastodon / blog / listenbrainz

  • 11 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 8th, 2023


  • Ha, that’s fairly close. Except my students are 19 to 25 and play Suika Game on their MacBook Pros. We keep a journal of what we taught and said each day because when the he exam comes they complain the content wasn’t taught in class, then they give bad evaluations to the prof and leave comments like, “the professor should be more strict with computers and phones in class.”

    No phones / No computers is my only rule!

    They’re excuse is, “I’m taking notes! I didn’t spend €1200 on this to leave it in my backpack!”

  • Cultural differences make for major differences sometimes.

    Some cultures are more about observing and acting immediately. Other cultures are handicapped by lobbies, for example, or politics as a whole.

    e.g. France has a major teacher shortage.

    It has been talked about forever. Empty promise’s were made. Money was spent on research that did nothing to solve the problem. Since I’ve lived here, the only major change has been to make school obligatory from age 3 to 16. My kid had to do that. I would say it has not helped them much. At age 6 they read at the same level as someone who started school at age 5 or 6.

    My son has already dealt with bullying at school. It lasted months. The school called it “teasing”. Well, that bully decided to bully a girl instead of my son. Once. He did it once and got sent home for the day.

    Denmark saw a bully problem and stopped it in its tracks: conversation is key, speak ao they listen, listen so they speak. Easy to say, hard to do.

  • There was a major investment in bike lanes, but many people were being twits and knocking people over and fleeing the scene.

    When they did ban there were quite a few angry people, particularly people who worked late at restaurants and used them to get home quickly without worrying about being bothered or taking late night buses and metros. After reading their opinions I would have to say I agree with you, banning may not have been the answer.