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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • Outside of the US, soccer fixtures are the biggest sporting events (certainly in Europe & Russia).

    Due to a long history of violent football hooliganism, there is already elevated security around these events & international intelligence coordination preceding them.

    Additionally, it is usually very difficult to obtain tickets unless you have connections to a club.

    These factors would make them trickier targets than lesser sporting events or concerts.

    Differences in transport access to sporting stadia & theatres in different countries may also play a role. Terrorists naturally take logistics into account.

    And maybe the US just picks up more chatter about sporting events & not much about theatres?

    But yeah, broadly either type of target is possible anywhere.

  • Scary thing is, though abortion is easy to access in the UK, the laws on the matter are far, far tighter.

    This means that it would take very little to drastically reduce access.

    So though there is little appetite amongst the public for restricting abortion, or reproductive health generally, a government in thrall to certain types of donor can impose restrictions nigh instantaneously.

    Sure, there would be court cases and patients/doctors/clinics would likely win, but the law moves painfully slowly relative to human gestation.

    It worries me that people take a “wouldn’t happen here” attitude.

  • In most of Europe, it is illegal to pay differently for equal work, so a female cashier would be paid the same as a male cashier.

    The gap arises where men are able to take more hours, obtain more qualifications, develop more experience, enter more lucrative industries, get more promotions & they are far less likely to leave paid employment to raise children.

    Some of that is due to personal choice, which is fine, but most of it is down to societal hurdles outside of work which determine how women approach the workplace.