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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2023

  • I don’t like the article. Finishes with quoting AfD, like giving those words the relevance of being the “one” truth. Other quotes, to center-left politicians were along the same line, and the article only criticism was that they are just trying to keep up with the far-right narrative. Yet, the article misses completely the opportunity to offer any other perspective. I hope there’s other ways to seeing this “criminal - migrant/ refugee” correlation. First and foremost, correlation doesn’t imply causation. Secondly, refugee and migrant are two different things. Thirdly, “migrant” is full of ambiguity that needs to be presented: a proportion of skilled workers are migrants too.

    But I did like Biden’s move. Many migrants and refugee need to work. Providing the means to do so, or removing some of the restrictions can help integration to their new society.

  • Oh, and there are middle grounds between giving drones with bombs, or nothing. I am not military expert, but shields, strategic defense, intel, food, fuel, etc. are all ways to keep giving support (if that’s what Imperialism needs to keep ongoing).

    The [absurd] asymmetry is in giving the most powerful weapons to one side, and food plus health supplies to the other. Specially since the other side doesn’t even gets ahold of most of that material. That’s why there’s a humanitarian crisis. The Nakba is perpetrated even through famine… it’s pretty sad that we can’t call that genocidal without getting hit by an angry mob of fanatics.

  • It’s “also” interesting that since the armed answer from Israel after the terror brought upon by Hamas, many people expressed concern and views like what I just said. And, the “interesting” part, is that more than half of the people condemned as anti-Semitic (e.g. losing jobs, or with criminal records for what they said publicly) are actually …Jews

    Try taking a deep breath before your next witch-hunts. Put your emotions aside, we are all humans and deserve some basic needs and rights not to be alienated. That includes anyone, regardless of ethnicity, religion, political alignment, or …imaginary lines on a map (a.k.a. borders.)

  • Sad news, good reporting. It brings to the surface the relevance of the petition to stop aiding the state of Israel (state) with weapons unless they get ahold of their wrongdoings. Call me naive… but I believe in the polls that showed several times that more than half of the population on either side, just wants a diplomatic solution to find some proper frontiers between countries. But ‘the west’ never recognized Palestine. Even waiving a flag is treated as if ‘blindly supporting Hamas/ terrorism’…