Given the high costs of AI, isn’t it reasonable to assume that whomever stands to make a profit is equally liable for it’s outcomes?
Given the high costs of AI, isn’t it reasonable to assume that whomever stands to make a profit is equally liable for it’s outcomes?
Same. I had a brief pause where I wondered what I was missing all these years as an atheist
Autodefenestration is one of my faves. The act of throwing yourself out of a window.
If you’re throwing someone or something out, then it’s just plain defenestration
Only if you agree to stop calling them Hashtags and use their more-correct name of Octothorpes
The web. It was good while it lasted.
I swear on my Commodore 64 I looked and found nothing.
You are clearly better at this than me, and thank you!
The headline suggests the Police are looking for comped accounts…
I don’t know what the hate is unless you are trying to store time as a String property. There a special place in hell for all developers who do this.
IMHO, all you really need to know is an Epoch time stamp and whether it’s localized to the viewer or the creator… Not that complex. The problem with time zones is that politicians keep changing them
Honestly, I’d rather give the creator of NULL a slap.
Isn’t flying the flag upside down against the US Flag code? Then again, so is turning it into clothing IIRC.
Not to worry. I’m not so naive as to think that is how it will actually play out.
I’m sure like most things under capitalism, smaller companies will be liable, but we’ll bail out the big guys!