Where is the surprise?
Fuck around and find out
Where is the surprise?
Fuck around and find out
A spokesman for Deutsche Bahn said that 80% of all delays in 2024 could be attributed to Germany’s “outdated, fault-prone and overloaded infrastructure.”
Don’t worry Guys, we will vote the Same morons Back in next month who let our Infrastructure Go to Shit in order to avoid going into new debts.
Because not investing in your Infrastructure was apparently better than borrowing Money at Zero or negative interest rates
Public Transport in Ile de France is very good too
Found the clueless American
Texas and California are also totally the same entity responsible for each others actions right?
Luckily the Netherlands possess a good cycling Infrastructure and Public Transport
Elons Text Sounds like AI generated garbage
It’s funny that you Mock the Economy Of Europe given that Australia is completely dependent on Mining
The only logic comparison would be then Nordic vs US if you Claim they aren’t that good.
Also Quality of Life, Life Expectancy and other factors are still better in Western Europe, so I couldn’t care less about the better profitability of US companies
Can’t be, Americans and Conservatives always tell me that a good social safety net makes people lazy
And how do they get rid of the Plastic glued to the Aluminium?
In Germany they go mostly to the burning because Recycling isn’t financially viable.
Why would they pay such high prices in your country?
It’s also the Natural end of every Tetra-Pak since you can’t recycle that shit
And where is the reaction?
Unless Russia Finds Out after fucking around this Shit will Happen again and again, and after every unpunished move they will get bolder and Bolder
Putins Army isn’t exactly in Great Shape right now, and opening multiple fronts was in the past Always a Recipe for great success
Somehow the night Train is still completely booked out every time I Take it, weeks in advance, despite “top Dollar” prices.
And Hotel rooms usually also don’t get cheaper If you travel alone and Not as a Couple
Oh yes, 50€ is so expensive, horrible
I’ve Had my own toilet and shower in the new Nightjet, and I’ve only Had another Person in my Cabin. And with the Mini Cabins in the new Nightjets it’s possible to have your own private space for cheap If you are travelling solo
Taking the TGV from Strasbourg to Montpellier still gets you a Lot of painful slow legs inbetween. And they aren’t very comfortable for long journeys.
Also the French Global Price system with Random timetables and mandatory Reservations Sucks badly
That’s because it’s convenient to get there by public transport
That was my Point, people who drive right now don’t use Public Transport because it isn’t convenient for them.
Instead of burning funds to make it free for People who are perfectly capable of paying 300€/Month for their Car, you should use it to expand the Networks (New Train/Tram/Bus Routes) and augment their quality (Longer Operating hours/ Higher Service Frequency) and let them participate a Bit in the Costs, so you can improve the Network even further. (If they we’re able to pay 300€/Month for their Car, they can certainly pay 50-100€ for a monthly subscription too)
Gas Stations pay for themselves. Otherwise its also tax based.
Still completely free public transport is not a good idea instead of investing in a high quality offering. (Higher Frequencies, Better Vehicles, more dense network). Because People usually take the car because it is more convenient, its always more expensive than public transport.
And in the past, free offerings have just diminished people walking or taking the bicycle, but no shift Car>Public Transit
Probably the Green Party. But I’m not really happy with any party right now