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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 8th, 2023


  • If you chose to live in a small and isolated down,

    And then on any post about housing prices, all you see are comments like “well you chose to live in an urban area!! If you liberals would just move to rural Alabama you could afford your rent!1!” So which is it?

    Then I get downvoted for saying there’s a million reasons people can’t just up and move, including a lack of jobs and other resources in rural areas. Besides, a majority of people don’t necessarily choose where they live. There are countless socioeconomic circumstances that dictate that.

    It’s just proof that people continue to fall for placing the blame on one another when it should really be directed straight upwards.

  • There should be regulation of the private sector. There has to be some accountability for these corporations. The onus can’t be on the consumer one hundred percent of the time. It really shouldn’t be at all. Buyers should only be responsible for deciding which products would be best for them and their budget, not for having to predict which corporation will utterly fuck them over the least out of the only three corporations they have to choose from when they’re all trying to scam them out of their money.

    I’m so sick of being scammed every single time I buy something. The government needs to step in and do their job instead of just handing out a few fines here and there.

  • I wonder why none of us paid subscriptions to access websites in the 90s and early 2000s? We all used MySpace, FB, LiveJournal, Make Out Club, Hot or Not, Geocities, Angelfire, NeoPets, MSN messenger, AOL messenger, the millions of chat rooms. Etc etc. We paid for time on the internet itself (like we still do) but at least then you could find one of those AOL CD ROMs with free minutes just about anywhere. You couldn’t escape them.

    There also weren’t that many ads, just some banners at the top. There were web rings and stuff to advertise each other’s sites. But it seems like once pop-up ads started, you couldn’t get rid of them ever again. There weren’t browser extensions or anything, pretty much just anti virus software you had to go to Frys to buy.