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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • I hate to do this. To any voters here, don’t let anyone tell you what to do with your vote. It’s yours and yours only and your RIGHT to use it anyway you want.

    I’m pro democracy, but the way white people treat every minority is just disgusting in this day and age. And anyone telling Biden is not as bad as Trump is lying. Just Google his speeches as a young senator and look at how much money he gets from Jewish donators and tell me it’s not disgusting they expect this POS to be fair and neutral in this war. He’s not and it’s time to show him YOU exist. You have the right to vote for him, against him or even stay at home.

    All the people telling you that when Trump wins it will be far worse. No. It will be worse yes, for WHITE people, because they’ve never experienced the hate and humiliation we experience on a daily basis. What they’ll never get is we’re used to living under these circumstances. There is not one country in the West that’s a safe heaven for Muslims/Minorities.

    Let ‘democracy’ do it’s job and stop badgering, invalidating minorities’ feelings and thoughts. And honestly, white people are the reason Trump exists. So go out there and find some more white people and Jews to vote for your Biden.

  • No! I don’t agree with Biden’s policy about Gaza and I want to punish him by pushing people not to vote for him or Trump. But it’s so wrong when this buffoon comes into power again. So I’ll bite my tongue and say the other party is worse. Even if that’s NOT the way to vote and it really diminishes minorities and representation.

    His fascism blew over to some/most European countries and that’s soooo bad. I even read some posts in Belgium about putting Muslims in camps ‘for their own safety’ because this POC made it normal for all the basement racists to come out of hiding. Just no…

    I just want him to die or disappear. Just vote him out so we can get back to real politics and what’s really important instead of this shit show. After you vote him out, THEN put pressure on Biden/Democrats to do better. It will be too late for Gazan children that are dying and dead tough…

  • Hey, don’t get the Muslims involved. Their god sanctions abortions (under specific circumstances, though over the years these have mostly evolved to: mother in danger, rape, child will be severely handicapped or the old, we don’t have the effing money for one more mouth to feed and may God forgive us and we won’t talk to anybody about it).

    That’s why it baffled me to see Canadian Muslims support their Christian counterparts to ban abortions.

    At this point, I have to say that they’ve never even read their books.

  • Fight back? Lol. After being born in an open air prison.

    After being born into oppression.

    After being told they’re nothing more than animals.

    After being thrown in prison as a kid for decades because they threw stones at a fucking tank.

    After being slowly starved to death.

    After being evicted from their lands and homes by the Israeli military, AND being mocked by the very settlers that take their homes from them right in front of their faces at the same time.

    After their parents, children, siblings, aunts and uncles, their entire fucking bloodline is being bombed to death.

    After watching the whole world just stand there and watch them being slaughtered just because Israel has more money, so they can lobby?

    After weeks of Israel secretly lobbying the EU and US to displace all Palestinians to the Sinai peninsula, you know, a fucking HUGE part of another sovereign country like that’s very normal, all the while killing thousands of people for a little piece of their land? Now I understand why the Egyptian president Sisi told the EU to take in Gazans themselves, if they care so much about human rights.

    After kids literally see organs and body parts flying around because of the bombing?

    After having no access to water, so no drinking water, toilets, showers, dehumanising them. Opening one water source because of UN pressure and then a few days later bombing that specific water source…

    After having no food for a month now.

    After threatening the UN to teach them a lesson because they asked for a humanitarian pause.

    After killing journalists and their entire family in precision attacks, so they can’t report what’s really going on?

    After killing UN workers?

    Right now they’ve also run out of medicine. One patient’s lungs had to be rinsed with ginger. They use effing ginger as an antibiotic/antiseptic. One kids leg had been blown off and they had to operate without anesthesia…

    You want these people to fight? LOL.

    There’s really no way Israel comes out of this as the ‘good guy’. The atrocities they committed and still are committing in less than a month’s time, has made the world forget about 7/10. THAT says something, because we thought THAT day was bad.

  • That’s why lobbying should be okay, but excepting money and/or goods or even a cookie is corrupt. There should be an ethics code or something and every prosecutor in the country should go after every single one of them.

    I used to work for the government here in Europe. It was really emphasized that accepting gifts from the public is never acceptable.

    Then I worked for a nonprofit that had 1 person who had ties to the government in our board and even there, when a client brought me wine because I helped house them (my job), I had to decline and explain why.

    It was harder, because they were refugees and didn’t understand. I said the gesture was appreciated and I gladly helped them, but it could be seen as corruption and would jeopardize the funding of my organisation.

    Afterwards I was laughingly bitching at my boss and colleagues about how I had to say no to good wine and it was blasphemy. So I got a few bottles of wine every year for my birthday from then on.