• 8 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023

  • This is a valid point of view. However, in the current french constitution, as it, the elected president has the final authority over the army, which even without the majority at the parliament makes the president able to manage foreign policy. (Sure the parliament can not vote the budget which would technically limit this power).

    If Macrons wants to send troops to Ukraine next year, Le Pen, won’t have many way to stop him. Well, the parliament can not votes the budget which would strongly limit the ability of the “troops” to work effectively, but that’s it. In the previous case of cohabiation, it wasn’t a big proble, conservative and socialists are reasonable person who can work together well enough to find arrangement on foreign policy. Think can be more complex with neo-liberals like Macron and far-righter like Le pen

  • I am curious on how school can skip the whole gender identity part considering how central it is in social science and life-science.

    i like the idea in saying that boys and girls are the same and that it doesn’t impact who they are more than having blonde hair or large feets. However, if you through art/litterature/history you can quickly find out that men and women aren’t treated the same. If you to basic biology, you come to some “difference between boys and girls”, and may want to discuss which of these difference are biology, and which one are sociology.

    Then, it’s not like LGBT and intersex individual are novelty, and that kids won’t ask question about them (selves). So again something pretty hard to skip. To take medieval history, I don’t know how much British kid know about the “acursed king” and the 100 years war, but Edward II being more sexually interested in Lord Despenser than in his wife Isabel the she wolf from France played a big role in these historical sequence of events

  • Unfortunately you’re not wrong that many people don’t care 'bout the European election, on the other hand it means that there is a big intersection between the people who care about the European election and the ones who want to see more support for Urkaine, and for a political party it’s still an election with MEP and assistant positions to get, this is crucial to keep the party alive and prepare the post-Macron era.

    However, even though the power balance in the EU is too much in favour of the council rather the parliament, there is tons of laws coming from the European level (GDPR is a big one, but recently the EP voted against a medical visit for the driver licence) so this election has a big weight

  • European elections are ongoing, and that’s definitely a move to tell to pro-European to not vote for “certain parties”.

    You’re absolutely right that if we look at the material given, for once Germany is leading the “European defence”. And that realistically, moving “troops” to Ukraine will impact other front where french troops are fighting. So I am not sure which part of it is just word and whether it’ll change much the big picture. That said, I can see how even non combat soldier could be a drastic change. If you send military mechanics with the tanks you let Ukraine having more combat troops and avoid long retraining of support staff.