Something I haven’t seen mentioned is Ghosts. Recently got caught up on it and it’s definitely a fun watch!
Something I haven’t seen mentioned is Ghosts. Recently got caught up on it and it’s definitely a fun watch!
Yes, that’s been their stance for some time but there have been workarounds that others have come up with. I’m interested in seeing if anyone is aware of one that still works.
I imagine my situation isn’t unique in that I have a lot of stored MFA and figured I’d ask so that if a working solution does exist it may also be shared with anyone else in a similar situation.
I’ve always heard them referred to as starfish
A stuffed animal?
No, this was Tim the Cook.
Likely because it’s $current_year
and there are better choices available.
Plants and animals don’t file tickets.
Sounds like someone has Perl Traumatic Stress Disorder. 😉
Squirt me some tunes, bro!
It’s a little ‘s’. I too have made that mistake…
I’ve only seen the US version so far, but will probably watch the UK version too!