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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 23rd, 2023


  • That’s the important bit that everybody is missing:

    Apple has suspended work on the second-generation Vision Pro headset to singularly focus on a cheaper model

    Clicking through to the paywalled article, the headlines reads as follows:

    Apple Suspends Work on Next Vision Pro, Focused on Releasing Cheaper Model in Late 2025.

    I am as unoptimistic on the future of VR as everybody else here, but can we please leave the nuance in? Apple are not turning the key on VR, at least not yet, they are simply doing the predicable thing that everybody said their would: Release a VR headset that isn’t targeted at developers only.

  • That’s not what this post is about.

    I understand, and agree, with the sentiment that more people should switch to Linux, but please don’t pretend the answer to every topic regarding Microsoft or Windows is “just switch to Linux”. It is for some, but it derails and invalidates a necessary conversation about shitty behaviour by Microsoft.

    I have a machine running linux at home, I’m not afraid of a package manager, but Linux is not the answer to everything. Not yet at lesst.

    I can’t refuse to use windows at work, and much as i would sometimes like to, I can’t just go and quit over what OS our computers run. That would end poorly for my livelihood and family.

    The purpose of this article is to highlight unfair behaviour by Microsoft, especially towards businesses, which is a topic that needs more attention. Microsoft is in every level of infrastructure in almost every big corporation, and no matter how attractive linux is, that doesn’t make the dangers of centralised IT belonging to one company any less relevant.

    We should all do more to lobby for more companies and corporations switching to Linux, but replying with “just switch to Linux smh” is not pushing that agenda.

  • which might or might not be a separate unit from the keyboard.

    Funny that you mention it. Synthesizers are very much a product of university research programs. Back in the 60’s and 70’s, when synthesizers as a concept was still new, there was heated debate between the pioneers of the field (Robert Moog in New York and Donald Buchla in Berkley, California) over whether or not synthesizers should even have a keyboard.

    The origin of the word “synthesizer” isn’t actually “synthetic”, as many believe, but rather synthesis, as in the academic sense of the word, from the idea of breaking a sound down into it’s individual parts and reassembling them.

  • Are you sticking to only softsynths / digital, or also going into analog?

    I ask because I have previously struggled with explaining why plugins and dsp stuff works the way it does (why is “saving my settings” called a patch?) without going into a long winded history lesson.

    Either way, super cool!

    I think I know a fair bit about both the history of synths and how they work, so if you need someone try bounce ideas off of don’t hesitate to write.

  • No, not it’s not. And not even just for the lulz of having access to porn.

    You wanna know why? For the same reasons that decriminalisation of drugs is has potential upsides, and for the same reasons why repression breeds kinks.

    People are going to try to get porn anyway. If you force young people (or people who can’t provide ID) to resort viewing porn illegally, then it is infinitely easier for them to go browsing for porn in places that will let them find really illegal porn.

    In other words, would you rather have your kids watching main stream porn, or would you like them to potentially end up on the dark web?

  • “The European Commission went on to point out that Safari’s functionality and underlying technologies are near-identical across platforms. The Commission even highlights Apple’s own marketing materials for its Continuity feature, which appear to contradict the company’s claims, touting the tag line “Same Safari. Different device.” As a result, the Commission rejected Apple’s claim and insists that “Safari qualifies as a single web browser, irrespective of the device through which that service is accessed.””

    Chef’s Kiss

    Governments and stately instances so rarely have a proper grasp of technology. This is beautiful.