I mean low-key that’s kind of a brilliant way to make the argument.
I mean low-key that’s kind of a brilliant way to make the argument.
Daily. And that’s just the hats, not the signs, bumper stickers, shirts, etc. I live in a swing state. That said, over half the voters in the country voted for him, and as a group, they’re very visible in their support, so I would be surprised if you don’t see Trump paraphernalia in almost every area of the country, if you regularly go outside and are around people in places other than work. Big “if” on that last one given this is Lemmy. 😁
Because the person who said those things and to whom I’m responding is the “Trump voter” I specifically referenced? In case the fact that I’m directly responding to their comment and they’re the OP of this post didn’t make it clear enough for you.
Trump voter believes in small government. Also that the state should be able to legally compel you to electronically track your children and that 11-year-olds shouldn’t be able to walk around outside without constant surveillance and sides with parents being arrested for allowing it. Believes “some” parental freedom should be “allowed.”
I just rolled my eyes so hard I gave myself a headache.
What are you even talking about? They’re curating the communities and instances they engage with. That’s literally one of the core functionalities of the fediverse.
Omg I’m dying lol 🤣
Hey OP, I have a suggestion for someone to block… I’m going to block him as well.
I literally had a very similar experience yesterday at a bar. (See my other post.) It definitely happens.
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It’s not like a lecture. It’s a pep rally. Energy rally. To rally is to come together for a common cause. It’s meant to bring people together to boost and sustain energy, in this case about a candidate or party. You’re not going there to learn things.
The vehicles with a higher automated driving rating than Tesla use a more diverse range of sensory inputs. While it may not make fully autonomous driving, it very clearly would have made Tesla closer to it based on the fact that cars that use things like lidar in addition to cameras surpassed Tesla’s rating many years ago.
Finally someone else familiar with the most deadly animal in North America.
And the locked “knife display”? Here are my knives, I really like knives, I like to display that I really like knives, would you like to talk about knives? Can I talk at you for 30 minutes about sharpening techniques? Perhaps you’d like to visit my katana collection in the other room? Lol. All kept near his fedora collection no doubt.
All in the name of friendly ribbing though, hobbies are cool and often niche. I’m often a little bemused by people’s esoteric or nerdy hobbies.
But I’m scared to ask if this dude even has kids, or if he’s just storing his kitchen knives in a locked box out of sheer paranoia. There’s safe and then there’s… whatever this is.
A black venti coffee from Starbucks has almost 450mg of caffeine. 200mg probably isn’t “whopping (!)”-worthy.
I have a co-worker that drinks a pot of coffee at work each day by himself. That’s about 1,200mg of caffeine, and he has a cup in the morning before he gets to work, so he’s probably having about 1,500mg/day. Admittedly that’s on the high side.
800mg of caffeine from black coffee per day is actually shown to be good for you. Reduced risk of alzheimer’s, type 2 diabetes, certain cancers, and Parkinson’s. Reduces inflammation. Lowered rates of liver cirrhosis and liver cancer.
It’s more or less an inevitability at this point, regardless of what we do. Really we’re just trying to get corporations and countries to make changes so it will be Gen A’s (or the following generation’s) problem instead of Z.
Normalcy now has an unavoidable term limit. The question is if we’re going to shorten how long that timespan is by desperately holding onto normalcy now for as long as we can, or if we’re going to start making things harder, more challenging, and less normal sooner to make the transition less painful and give it a longer on-ramp.
Currently we seem to be choosing option A.
For what it’s worth, I’ve seen some friends take things a little more seriously when I’ve explained that currently we’re going to see abrupt and incredibly disruptive changes at the point in our (Gen Z and Millenials) lives when we’re at the age when we’ll be least able to tolerate the changes and most reliant on others. In 40-50 years, Z and M are going to be senior citizens at best. While we may be full of distracted, dopamine-seeking denial now, by the time shit really starts hitting the fan, we’re going to be extra weight on the generations struggling desperately to survive.
Don’t expect a happy retirement.
The desperate need to try to wave away any possible negative effects from social media by people heavily dependent on social media comes as no surprise. It’s like trying to criticize fast food to a fat person.
Some will acknowledge it’s bad for them and eat it anyway, but most will just get extremely defensive about it and try to rationalize or downvote. It has vitamins! If you only eat the unfried vegetables and only drink water, it’s actually good for you!
You are awesome. Can’t believe someone picked up that reference.
The trace buster buster BUSTER!
Everyone is doing it. What are you even talking about. You can’t unfuck the chicken.
Yes, parents obviously still pay an important role. But we regulate many things for people under the age of 18 to generally good effect.