It’s the first part that I don’t agree with. There’s zero reason to not hire a contractor in the first weeks of owning a new place. Assuming due diligence, you should know prior to closing what areas might need attention.
Yes. I recently took my son to an appointment where my phone died as we pulled up. My phone dying is incredibly rare. I proceeded to clean my car while I waited. I went through the center console, the glove box, the side door pockets, under the seats, behind the front seats, basically everywhere in the cabin of the car cleaning and organizing while I waited. If my phone had a charge, I wouldn’t have done any of that. So yes, I’m addicted to my phone.
King’s Quest
Holy fuck, what shit advice.
Google doesn’t have to do shit. Ffs
Which no one willingly uses
Since my parents said it the day I was born.
So you don’t drive a car is what you’re saying.
They ought to release a new phone every six months so morons keep buying them and my stocks continue to soar.
In this thread: people living in fantasy lands.
Make it easier to join.
I hate Elon. There is no grey area in that statement.
As much as I hate Elon, self-driving cars are the future and will be way safer than some idiot behind the wheel
How did they find out who you voted for?
Surprised they’re not asking for peoples’ firstborns.
Oh, please. It’s most definitely not.
That’s my take. Take it or leave it.
Not OTC: water and exercise. But hey, keep searching for the “easy” way out.
Inflatables are the worst.