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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: May 31st, 2023


  • Business users are the target group. If your job needs you to reply to a lot of mails and the Myomen you press the reply button AI creates an answer for you, you only need to edit in some details, the time safed will probably be worth more than 30$ a month.

    Other use cases are internal communications. I know intranet software where you just promt a topic, a tone and what department you like from and it will create a news for you. Again not perfect, but safes you from staring at a blank page.

  • It is a great project, but unfortunately I guess it is not running very well. They did the setup with raspberry pies first with additional modules like a screen, an LED matrix and other things you could program. The software experience is pretty awesome. The whole manual is telling your kid a story and describing everything in just the right language for a kid. You plug it and the story goes on at terminal level when your kid is promted to write their name. After this it boots into a really well made desktop with a adventure game to get to know the computer, a bunch of programming tools and a browser.

  • There is actually a theory floating around, that people growing up in the 80ies-2000 were the most tech literate, because they had to tinker to get thinks to work. Want to play a game on DOS 6.2 and it did not work? Edit some system files for more memory. Today the technisch hidden behind false physics and got really well.

    My son is nine. I got him a Kano (the old one with a raspberry pie as base) and he has to learn why we need to connect a display to the processing unit and connect peripherals to do things. His friends own a tablet, a smartphone and a gaming console. You cannot see behind the tech in those, if you don’t want to destroy them and explore hobbit works (on a basic level).

  • My

    1. The Finnish author Tove Marika Jansson (1914 - 2001) invented this name for her stories about the Mumin troll (Moomin Trolls). Lilla My (Little My) lives with the Mumin family. She is so small that she can sit in the family’s milk jug. My gives expression to a most destructive turn of mind. She is totally disrespectful and can be very aggressive but has nevertheless an extremely positive attitude to life. Sometimes, she may even demonstrate a kind of careless friendliness - when it suits her.
    2. My is also the name of the 12th letter in the Greek alphabeth.
    3. Creative Spelling of Mi (see Mia)

    See: https://www.nordicnames.de/namefinder/