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Joined 4 months ago
Cake day: February 22nd, 2024


  • Because it’s just a generic sci-fi, an enjoyable yarn but far from prophetic. It’s like saying hg wells saw the future of travel to the moon so why are we going back? Turns out science fiction is fiction.

    All these subjects get talked about seriously in the academic setting they belong in, often entrainment and popular culture is discussed in relation to academic study so it’s not being overlooked but there’s an awful lot of stuff to consider and having read a poplar book that makes fantastic leaps of imagination to convey a contemporary political statement doesn’t mean you know more than the actual experts, and if you do present it seriously not as ‘I read this book and it’s like totally true so like you’re all dumb for not living by it!’

  • I think a big part of the problem is Biden is a good politician, he’s generally honest and forthright which is what everyone claims to want.

    But we’re all so lost in marvel movie logic and cinema tropes that people don’t respond to it, they just want a showman - meanwhile politics is boiled down to robot voice tiktoks and reddit posts that barely scratch the headline so again people don’t respond to reality they need a hyper targeted exaggeration coated in catchy idealism and easily retweetable slogans.

    Biden says exactly the right things, minis the sort of speech error we all make occasionally, and his record backs up his ability to actually get things done - often in a way that doesn’t draw massive attention but incrementally makes things better.

    Trump is a liar and an actual idiot, like genuinely stupid and uninformed - but he says anything that will sound good at the time so it makes it seem to people that aren’t paying attention or follow complex arguments that he’s the one who’ll get things done

  • You fighting to sow discord against the only viable alternative is working to get Trump, pointing out that regular people found reason to prefer his responses over Trump and highlighting what they are is useful in helping people highlight the many advantages of Biden.

    Yes he’s not as energetic as a lunatic, probably because he’s a sensible human that’s been working hard on his lifelong goal of improving the society he lives in and pushing through sensible and practical reforms that actually help real people and put the nation on track to deal with the many challenges it faces going forward.

  • The problem is the only people saying this are people who have been saying the same things for the whole time and are desperate for it to ve true so it’s hard to believe them, it’s not coming from my friends that weren’t yelling about Biden every excuse they got.

    It’s like thuderfoots recent starliner stream, he predicted it would fail and spent the whole time saying ‘oh shit, here it goes… looks like it’s going to explode…’ even when both bits were returned safely he was calling the spaceX staff morons for celebrating because he was so desperate to be right.

    People wanted Biden to fail because then they could push their brand of politics but he’s doing great based on actual metrics, so they try to make him fail using opion and tone setting behavior - the exact way Trump beat Hillary, memed that she was bad until no one went to vote.

  • It doesn’t have to be storage, another option is building over capacity so it’s winter output is sufficient then using the excess in summer months to perform useful work.

    For example a desalination and pumping station at the mouth of the Arizona River, you can scale the pumping from a storage lake by the desalination plant to one or more of the upriver lakes raising their water levels to replace the water used for industry and agricultural.

    Carbon capture and manufacture of e-fuels or similar is another great possibility, it can be scaled with energy production vastly reducing the cost of the process and allowing further transition from oil in areas which might otherwise be difficult.

    E-chems are important because there’s a few things which are vitally important to modern industry but currently produced fairly cheep as an oil by-product, if demand for oil derived fuel declines as we hope and production falls dramatically then the price of those chemicals would skyrocket - being able to transition into using sequestered carbon would save a lot of difficulty, and if it helps create a market for sequestered carbon it could help us start bring atmospheric co2 ppm down slowly.

  • Yeah it’s funny because they give themselves away so easily by refusing to admit positive social and personal effects and magnifying absurd arhuments against.

    Like the other reply I always see them push the genocide ones, of course if you get into details they freak out because the accusation is kinda stupid - lemmy by design couldn’t do the thing they say Facebook should to have stopped the genocide so if you believe it’s valid and use lemmy you’d be being super hypocritical - but of course they don’t care, they’re reaching for criticism not actually trying to understand it.

    It’s kinda scary really how little people care about reality, it’s the same thing on Facebook with the boomer conspiracy stuf, phones bad, kids not manly, and all that stuff. They’re not looking for truth or trying to make the world better, they’re trying to find excuses to feel superior.

  • The first time she got internet backlash was when the rape crisis center she was funding wanted to be a safe space where women with extreme trauma would be away from the source of their trauma i.e. humans with penises.

    Restricting access by sex rather than gender was seen as deeply offensive and she got a lot of hate, death threats and etc which resulted in her getting in arguments that pushed her into becoming ever more outspoken.