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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 30th, 2023


  • It’s been a while since my instance was federated with either of them, but I remember grad being more extreme in their beliefs and hb being more… annoying. The hb folks did a ton of brigading and picking fights. Maybe they chilled out since then, but the .world threads were exhausting to read with hbs being assholes in every single one, including things that had absolutely nothing to do with politics.

  • Also, I can’t stand anything JJ Abram’s touches. I know a lot of people say that now post StarWars disaster, but I remember being very disappointed when I heard he was directing the first sequel and people were acting like I was crazy. I absolutely hate his “mystery box” story telling because I either never cared about “item A” or I know the payoff for discovering what “item A” actually is I’d going to be lame.

    Part of the problem is that Abrams has no idea what’s in the box. Basically his entire career was writing the first act of a story with some mystery to solve, handing it off to someone else to finish, then, when they ask what’s in the box, he tells them, “I dunno, figure something out.”

  • Something to keep in mind when watching stuff that old is that we were still trying to figure out how acting for a camera was different than acting for a live audience. Star Wars was at the tail end of that, but skip back ten years to the original Star Trek and it’s really noticeable. A lot of the acting feels bad now, and a decent amount probably did then, but part of that is just what acting was at the time.

    However, Lucas did know that his ability to write dialogue was pretty poor, even calling himself the king of wooden dialogue at one point, and was fine with actors coming up with better lines. Unfortunately, Lucas also wasn’t very good at communicating that and only a line or two in the entire series was adjusted by an actor.