Yeah, Apple was able to fall on their faces with the Lisa but still get to the Macintosh and greatness.
Yeah, Apple was able to fall on their faces with the Lisa but still get to the Macintosh and greatness.
This is going to be my Year of Linux, finally taking the plunge. Nothing special, just a used laptop running Mint to replace a Chromebook (who’s hardware has finally failed). Gonna try to replace my gaming PC next year once I’ve got more of a handle on the different distros and have played around with them (and more money).
From what I’m given to understand of my state’s laws, this would be covered under the same kind of thing as the surveillance cameras at a convenience store or shopping center parking lot and the expectations a person would have for their privacy… it just sucks.
Some are like six feet away and others are set farther back. It’s not all of the ring came 5 that go off. I know there’s a setting where the user can create a like a bounding box so that they don’t go off unless someone is actually at the door… these folks simply haven’t done that, don’t know to do that, or are watching the sidewalk intentionally. At any rate, my street doesn’t have much traffic so I usually just walk in the road.
Some of my neighbors have them and I hate walking down the street. I know it’s a public sidewalk, but hearing all the little pings and “some one is at the front door” it creeps me out. I live in a single party consent state so there’s not like anything I can do but now there’s a database with a record of when I go to/come back from work. I don’t like that. Thankfully, when signing the lease, my landlord forbid in the contact the installation on those. He also owns the houses on either side of mine… a little strip of privacy in a sea of surveillance.
I was 21 years old.
Decided the best way to begin drinking was to do shots of Southern Comfort with my roommate. I got like blackout drunk, woke up hours later needing to vomit… I ran to the bathroom where I found my roommate passed out in the bathtub in the fetal position in his own sick. I turned to the toilet as the SoCo and bile made its way to the top of my throat, it was go time, now or never… to my horror both the seat and the lid were down. My mouth filled as I tried to get the lid open and then… disaster struck. The puke hit the diagonal plain of the half raised lid and sprayed all over the walls and toilet tank. I then slipped and face planted into the tank giving myself a black eye.
I didn’t drink for two years after that night.
It’s on the list… got some homework to do, but this project is shaping up be an afternoon instead of the months long thing I thought it would be.
Thanks! Will definitely be asking more questions as I get started in all this… but step one has been identified: beg the IT lady at work for a used laptop or buying a used/refurbished Lenovo Thinkpad.
Ubuntu and Mint are on the list and I’m now leaning towards buying a used Thinkpad.
Thanks for the info! Not knowing where to start gets… not overwhelming… I guess moderately-whelming. I am moderately whelmed.
Someone pointed out work laptops and made me realize my company is about to do a whole laptop replacement cycle (kind of embarrassed I didn’t think of that, but that’s why we ask questions). Gonna check with the IT manager if I can have one or if they’re already spoken for (donated to a school, etc). If I can’t do that, looks like a cheap eBay Thinkpad with Mint or Ubuntu is where I’m going to end up.
Putting all that on my homework list. Thanks!
Budget is basically: whatever I need to spend to have a device last at least six to seven years or beyond. I’m willing to spend more for quality, but the thought process is that if I can buy used and still get quality/longevity then that’s what I’ll do. Someone else suggested to try and get a used machine from my work, which almost embarrassingly hadn’t occurred to me. They’re about to do a laptop replacement cycle and, while I’m not issued a work laptop, there’s going to be like fifty to choose from (if they haven’t already been promised to a school or something). Gonna ask our IT manager about it Monday.
Also, thanks for the info about the distros, having only fooled around with works-out-of-the-box PC’s for forever now, switching over to Linux can be a bit overwhelming.
This Chromebook has some problems… battery life, charging port not holding onto the cable, a dead button under the touchpad, and a crack in the screen is what has me looking at all of this. I’m not very handy and, with everything wrong, it’s looking like a used laptop might be cheaper than replacement parts.
Everyone has been suggesting used Thinkpad so that’s the front runner right now. Thanks for the suggestions!
I repaired laptops for a living for a while and Thinkpads were always my favorite.
Good to know! And I’ll definitely look into them!
It’s got battery, charge plug, screen, touchpad, and a whole host of other problems… gonna look into used models others are suggesting, but it’s probably just about a used laptop’s worth of repairs.
That is a phenomenal idea which hadn’t even occurred to me. My work is about to go through a laptop replacement cycle… could see if any of those haven’t been marked to go to a charity or public school or something.
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I’ve got it copied in a text doc, in case I need to move it elsewhere.
Thanks for the heads up about the post and other info!
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