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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023

  • I feel like a browser API that just gives info to the site when request of either “is under age, is of age to create an account, is adult” might be an easy way to establish something like this too

    This way the site can voluntarily check if they’re illegally collecting data on minors, if they’re showing adult content to adults, and automatically display age appropriate content of applicable

    Maybe an NSFW flag as well that sites can check to automatically show/hide NSFW content, for example on work machines or shared computers, but that’s probably getting a little too finegrained

    The real question is how is the age flag determined? Is it determined by the browser? The OS? Browser seems the safest bet, since Google can base it off of the Google Account, Microsoft can base it off the Microsoft account and Mozilla can shove it in the settings and potentially base it on the Mozilla account

  • My experience when I worked in support for a device manufacturer is that if you get high enough in the support tree and can demonstrate that this effects you (and the support person will also have a matrix of affected devices) you’ll still get a repair/replacement outside of warranty for them bricking your computer with a bad update.

    We had a specific instance where a specific budget model of phone sold by Boost mobile would brick after a specific update for people who had subsidy unlocked it and taken it to a GSM carrier such as T-Mobile (this was shortly pre-merger) or AT&T. This update rolled out about 2.5 years after this devices release, so most customers were ~12 months outside of warranty. Since the scope of affected devices was so narrow our directions from the top was to replace affected devices regardless of warranty status, and the replacement would come with a standard 30 day replacement warranty

    So in short, I would expect HP to repair/replace affected devices that bricked after this BIOS update regardless of warranty status, but I would expect some amount of hassle in terms of reaching a specific support department before you get assistance and standard refusal of service for customer induced physical damage (smashed screen, smashed ports, mashed potatoes in the ports, badly bent, etc.)

  • He already tried everything possible to overturn a free and fair election that he lost. He also questioned the results of a free and fair election that he won. He stoked his supporters up carefully saying just enough to get them to approach the capital and to a boiling point, conveniently leaving for when they boiled over and became an insurrection. At this point I’m not taking my chances with this guy. I fully expect him to engage in the most illegal, immoral and scary actions he can to take and hold onto office, especially now that it’s clear its possible he could go to prison, he’s scared and has millions of fans ready to back up whatever he does

  • Its one of the challenges that seriously doesn’t seem to have an easy solution. Like the closest I can think of is a centralized authority that the service can send a identity verification request to that, then the user can sign into the centralized authority and confirm “yes I am the person you requested to verify”

    This would also help with annoying employment verification where I have to bring every document needed to steal my identity to my new employer for them to scan and digitally store indefinitely then return said documents to my safe

  • I was too young to really know what was going on at the time but when my parents upgraded me from my Windows 98 spare parts PC they tossed Windows 2000 on the new PC and I remember it being quite wonderful. I never did get to experience Vista nor ME because my parents were well enough tapped into the computer scene to know what was up. Now I get to help them setup their first home server this weekend

  • I keep bringing up how awesome the new SAVE federal student loan repayment program is. Income based repayments that go as low as $0 with the federal government covering any interest that you payment would have gone towards, plus after 10 years of payments balances of $12k and less are forgiven (11 years for $13k, 12 years for $14k, etc.)

    So if you got a low paying degree from a community college, like say an early childhood education degree, you get pretty close to free education since you can make your $0 payments every month and get your entire student debt forgiven after a decade. Or if you have a career that doesn’t pay much at first but ratchets up you only make payments when you have the income to make them, and still get forgiven after 10 years, and there’s no real penalty to paying the $0 payments earlier since the balance hasn’t grown and is still forgiven on the same date. Or like many people who attend community college, if you end up dropping out and getting no degree, you’re not penalized like earlier plans would have penalized you.

  • Now, if it was a flat tax, a fixed percent…But they gotta make sure the middle class is paying 22% of their income to the feds and the billionaires pay one tenth of a percent… you know… for reasons.

    I fall into the lower end of the middle class (nationally) and my income tax is about 11%, but on top of that, after deductions and credits I end up deducting myself into the lowest tax bracket and collecting credits so I get a nice chunk back every year. To actually pay a full 22% of your income in income taxes, you must be making pretty good bank (and probably spending pretty good bank if you’re still considering yourself middle class)

    Flat taxes are extremely regressive. The whole idea of tax brackets is that those with more ability to pay pay more and those with less ability to pay pay less. If you only make 22k/year you need all of that and that $2200 can be pretty lifechanging, but if you make 220k per year you can live without that $22k. There’s also fun stuff with how much tax revenue the government can actually bring in depending on who they tax harder, and generally it favors taxing the rich at a much higher percentage rate than they do the poor.

  • The last time I ran Linux on my main gaming rig I had a couple of key problems that largely made me call it quits:

    1. Games with gold and platinum ratings on WineDB (this was about the time Proton was newly released) would require far too much fiddling to get working if I could get them working at all.
    2. A couple of fairly uncommon games I played a lot at the time had weird issues with user-generated content related to filesystem and library case-sensitivity differences.
    3. Game crashes from content conflicts more often than not created system crashes, which both obscured crash dialogues which would normally point me to the content to explore why it was crashing, and extended the amount of time needed to troubleshoot an install and get it working

    I’ll probably try it again at some point in the next handful of years, especially since the Linux desktop has come so far in the 3 years or so since I last tried it out. I already run Linux on about half of the systems I use regularly, so its not like I’m completely out of the game.

  • You really think IVF is a right? Somehow a lifestyle medical procedure is a right in your min

    Restricting reproductive access falls into the “eugenics” umbrella. Of almost any eugenics scheme that’s ever been proposed or implemented a core feature has been preventing people who want to have kids from having kids

    How do you expect anyone to care about this frivoulous nonsense when housing, the internet, food, and affordable healthcare all aren’t rights? All you’re doing is clawing for more privilege.

    This is an argument against restricting rights. The GOP appears to be shifting strategy to preventing access to IVF, probably as a new front of the ongoing culture war they use as a smoke screen for everything else they do. Taking away rights that have no good reason to be taken away is absolutely worth fighting for.

  • Every individual concern you’ve brought up in this thread is valid and not uncommon. The important part that @ramble81@lemm.ee is focusing on is that your mindset on how you approach these challenges is incredibly unprofessional.

    Having more to do than you realistically have time to do is the reality of working in IT. Everything the business does ultimately comes back to IT at some point in the process, so we naturally have to work with every single branch of the business.

    Being underpaid is a reality of work for most people in the modern world. The professional thing to do is to decouple your feelings of how you’re being paid from individual tasks or duties that are expected of you. “I’m not paid enough to deal with this” should be limited to tasks outside of your scope of work. If you’re ultimately not paid enough to do your job, complaining about individual tasks that are part of your job being bnove your paygrade is just saying you aren’t willing to do your job. I can’t tell you the best solution to your pay situation. Maybe changing jobs or even changing industries will help, but also changing your mindset can do wonders for your mental health. For example shifting to instead saying to yourself “I’m woefully underpaid but at least I’m working in IT and not at X” can greatly help ease the pain until you reach whatever milestone which does help improve your situation

    What you need to do regarding your workload is have a conversation with your manager/superior about prioritization. You say “hey, I have this this this and this that need to get done right now and I can’t realistically do them all, what do you want me to prioritize and deprioritize” and if something important hasn’t been given priority in a long time (such as patches) you need to then push back and say “we haven’t been able to apply security patches in quite a while, I think we should reprioritize this so we can put some time into patching this week” this is how you manage a gigantic workload is by shifting priorities. The longer important maintenance tasks are ignored, the larger the impact and the harder it will be to complete the tasks