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Joined 9 months ago
Cake day: October 3rd, 2023


  • The advertising was an easy and obvious example. I set you up for a straw man but whatever. If you don’t understand the harmful effects social media has on mental health and how it’s different from other forms of media/content, I’m not going to hold your hand through that. The sophistication of engagement algorithms should be obvious. The purpose of a surgeons general warning would be to raise awareness of those specific mental health issues that can be aggravated by excessive social media use. Raising the awareness of an issue is step in the right direction. Fine to call it a band aid but there’s no need to shit on progress of any type.

  • There’s nothing that I can say to disprove those points. I do have to say that Bernie gaining as much popularity as he did let’s me see the light at the end of the tunnel. I’m pushing 40, always been very left. 1st primary I voted for Dennis Kucinich. Seeing someone with the same talking points and advocate for, generally, the same overall policy agenda get as much mainstream traction as Bernie has does inspire some optimism. Voter turnout in the primaries is so huge, I would also like to see the Dems ditch the EC model for their primaries as well. Biden got elected on the backs of Southern black votes (holdover good will from him being Obamas VP) and that caused him to win deep red states that he would never win in the general. Though I’m hoping Georgia turning blue wasn’t an anomaly.

  • 100% this is why I’m hoping for community service. Done in a very public facing way. Putting a near 80 year old on jail for a first time offense would show bias. However, him show contempt for the justice system and his instance of making a spectacle of the entire process should be a major consideration. Have him, legit, in a reflective vest picking up trash, would be considered a light sentence if you consider the range of punishments. It would definitely, attempt, to force some agenda of teaching humbleness. Hearing his complaints, or his supporters, saying that he’s too old for that type of work would take so much wind out of the sails out of old Joe narrative.

    Maybe I’m just rationalizing for my popcorn motives though lol