Jokes on them. The homeless loitering are veterans that lost their hearing in the wars we’ve been fighting since 2001.
Jokes on them. The homeless loitering are veterans that lost their hearing in the wars we’ve been fighting since 2001.
Where did they get the cigarettes? Were they 20 year old stale cigarettes?
Radiohead - Kid A
Way to deflect from the content of the article, whippersnapper.
Sorry, I make mistakes too. But the point still stands.
Maybe hand grip strengtheners.
Because whites overwhelmingly voted for Trump, why not ask them?
We’ve regressed
Listen for yourself and decide how compelling it is.
How about dumbbells?
When I realized everyone is just frustrated and venting about the lack of control they have in their lives, things became much easier.
Headline is misleading. It was a quote from a single individual.
Where’s Van Helsing when you need them?
It certainly sounds like you made the right choice for you if there is a violent history. Hope for the best for you and your brother.
I don’t know your situation, but turning from family will only harden their resolve and make them more defensive. I went through this with my mom. She voted for Trump in 2020, after years of me telling her how bad he was. I was angry and didn’t talk to her for 2 months. During this time I heard a podcast with David McRaney, about how to talk to QAnon people. It helped me to understand how they got there, and how to help them out of it. It is a process. They operate on an emotional level, and you have to relate to them on emotional level. After that, you question how they arrived at their decisions. Like:
If I asked what your favorite movie is, could you explain why it’s your favorite movie?
Emotionally connecting with them and then thoughtfully questioning their beliefs, in a non-condescending way can be beneficial. It may take days or months, but once the seed of doubt is planted, it can start a dialogue. Remember, these are people we love ❤️, we owe it to ourselves to be compassionate in conversations.
Aurelius would hate what stoicism has become
My whole life has been a lie.
People who say nukular instead of nuclear ☢️
A sub liminal…