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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: September 12th, 2023


  • For what it’s worth, the swearing ain’t at you in particular, some people just curse like sailors. And I ain’t doubting the death threats, “shit” in that instance refers to “anything”. And I don’t wanna see it because I’ve seen it before. I clearly understand the existential threat that Trump and the RNC as a whole poses.

    I don’t think Biden is doing enough to combat that. And I think the general attitude of trying to convince the utterly insignificant number of internet leftists that Biden is good is putting a lot of effort into things that bear little fruit. I don’t think there’s some majority of leftist voters in any single county that could make a difference in a federal election. Many of them live in liberal strongholds and their vote for a 3rd party or a write in for Mickey Mouse won’t move the needle.

  • Don’t send me shit.

    What part of my last sentence didn’t get through? Fuck, the whole point of this article is that voters feel like they must vote for the DNC candidate despite not liking them, but they still vote for them.

    Fuck, it doesn’t even matter how I vote because of where I live and how our broken ass voting system works. It goes Blue regardless. Y’all keep acting like the popular vote matters. If you aren’t convincing majorities of people in particular counties of swing states to vote, it doesn’t matter.

    I’m sick and tired of people acting like it’s the people’s job to vote for whoever the Party puts forth instead of the Party being responsible for putting forth a likable candidate. That the onus lies on the voting block, whose job it is to simply cast their ballots for the DNC, instead of the DNC being any fucking bit responsible for selecting a candidate people want to vote for.

  • It’s honestly tiresome. I was caught up in the fervor of the Trump era, when it felt like the Democrats would finally, once it was their turn, start enacting fundamental changes to fix this mess of a country, but now that the combination of the pandemic stresses and the opportunity that results from chaos has died off, I more clearly remember the Obama administration and can watch the Biden administration affirm, they have no desire to make any changes necessary to truly help people or right the incredible wrongs of this nation.

    I’m tired of liberal scolds who like to pretend Biden didn’t write the Clinton Crime Bill, hasn’t routinely granted more funding to police when possible, hasn’t increased the military budget and so on.

    Tired of them acting like Biden will ever even attempt to fix the fundamental problems with this nation, like FPTP voting, lack of single payer healthcare, overly mitarized police and wanton expansion of civilian surveillance.

    I know he’s one of the best President’s to date on climate and that people in the bottom quartile of income in the US have seen pay rises. It’s good, but it’s not enough. The Democrat’s method of incremental change feels like platitudes in the face of wanton use of power by the Republicans. As if they feel they need to be cautious and careful in their use of power to seem more legitimate in the public instead of wielding the office in a way that makes sweeping benefits to Americans.

    I don’t think Biden is all that great, I have zero faith he’ll ever do anything to truly prevent this country from sliding to fascism in the future, he’ll just maintain the status quo and kick the ball to the next guy, just how every other Democrat does it and his successor surely will too.

    So vote blue, whoopty doo, what else is there to do?

  • It’s a goddamn shame in what’s supposed to be a representative democracy that there are so many calls for those who supposedly should be the ones represented to change their views to conform with those who represent them and not the other way around.

    But it’s power dynamics, innit? The Biden administration and their wealthy kind won’t be that harmed by a Trump administration, so they don’t have a lot of motivation to actually change anything. It’s those who stand to be horrifically harmed by Biden’s opponent who must swallow their morality and vote for monsters lest more harm come to them later on.

  • It’s not ageism when someone says that two people clearly showing cognitive decline who are well past the age for retirement shouldn’t hold the highest office in the nation.

    In the waning days of the Soviet Union, American propaganda made a point of mocking their “gerontocracy” for being so utterly detached from the needs and wills of the common citizen. We’re seeing the same thing happen in the USA today.

    Neither candidate is fit to lead and it’s an utter embarrassment that these are who we are supposed to choose between to lead the nation.