Tales of Berseria, extremely solid real time jrpg with a female protagonist, been enioying it a lot.
Tales of Berseria, extremely solid real time jrpg with a female protagonist, been enioying it a lot.
I’ve been reading through some of your blog articles, and I wanted to ask if there are any other platforms you’re active on? I wanted to have a more in depth conversation but lemmy might not be the best place for that. I still think that some extrapolations of the theory need work, but the core is pretty solid and fairly in line with my beliefs. Would definitely be interested in getting more context to better inform my path in life going forward.
This is very interesting but feels deeply uncooked, needs some time in the oven to cement itself a little bit more
Any of the Horizon games, genuinely some of the most beautiful games I have ever played. Zero Dawn has some downright beautiful winter environments. And while I’ve barely started Forbidden West, that game is a step up from the from the first game from the very first moment you get control of Aloy. So pretty! I recommend watching the trailers to see more
I’m gonna need some context on this one.
Phantomime - Mori Calliope