This is an age old topic and there is no right answer to it. You need to decide where you draw the line. Unpersecuted vigilantism will lead to chaos, on the other hand, we live in an unjust and structural violent system where rich people kill by signing papers and poor, desperate people die. They sometimes even vote for the elite before dying.
I glued myself to the street to protest our government not acting on our planet heating up. I knew I broke the law but I felt like I needed to. It was a rough experience, still I don’t regret it because I did what felt necessary to me. The guy shooting the CEO probably feels the same, and pathetic “Proud Boys” chasing immigrants do so as well. For me, violence against other people is a line I don’t see myself crossing. But I can think of scenarios where I would understand people resorting to it.
I’ve probably seen weirder, but this one was pretty funny:
I rode my bike along a huge river in a big city in Germany. It was already dark and my light was broken. In front of me I saw something blinking brightly coming at me. As it came closer I realized it was a guy on a bike that had lots of lights and reflectors attached to both the bike and the guy. He wore a light on his helmet, on his arms and his thigh. As he passed by me he looked at me super grumpy and said:
“How about some light?!”