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Joined 8 months ago
Cake day: November 12th, 2023


  • Honestly I don’t know anyone who likes her. And it isn’t a sexism thing. She was a terrible AG locking up many people for minor crimes and being “tough on crime” to the point of advocating for police militarization and excessive force. I absolutely detest her. Still voted for her on the ticket.

    At this point it doesn’t matter. Count Binface could run with Hillary Clinton and all the Democrats that would vote Biden/Harris will vote for them. Anyone that is “undecided” is just a fool.

  • You cannot stop the collection. It ALWAYS collects. It may not transmit, even if connected. For example the black box in many cars is really an assortment of ECUs that contain fine grained historical data. It does eventually roll over and get replaced but the data is there.

    For example there are public cases you can find where the police, not even needing a warrant, were allowed to dump this data off of a rental vehicle that a suspect, not convicted just suspected, was thought to have been in. Of course the copaganda story showed that they the used this data which was mostly location by gps and speed by the wheel sensors and gps to get a track of everywhere that vehicle had been in the last 6 months. Every person who rented it and drove it somewhere had their privacy violated. But I guess that’s normal now.

    The infotainment systems are the biggest jerks for data storage as they’re just mini generic computers today with lots of storage.

    To stop wireless transmission you can remove the sim card from the modem. Many vehicles won’t work or even start if the modem is disconnected (unplugged or unfused). A Nissan for example will drain its 12v battery overnight trying to find the modem if it is unplugged. But if the sim is bad or disabled, it will try and fail to communicate, then retry later which won’t kill the battery.

    You lose a lot of convenience and the data is still there. So the answer is basically you can’t drive a new vehicle without it violating your privacy with collection. You can only make the wireless transmission more private or disabled. I suppose you could buy a scanner yourself and before you leave the vehicle, factory wipe all ECUs. But even then you’ll need to enable them for emissions testing and such if that’s in your area.

  • Exactly. Just actually do it. Remember the people who escaped Germany left before the election. Those who left after had a much harder time.

    It is much easier to move without stuff whether that means selling or storing your collection of mostly junk. I took a leisurely route and brought about 40 suitcases total to the other side of the world in a few trips. The rest of the crap I bought over the years is rotting in a cheap storage unit. Your ancestors somewhere down the line immigrated with just the bags they could carry in one trip or nothing.

    Depending on your financial situation and if you have at least one family member with a secondary passport there are options. Just don’t poison them by “moving” as a tourist, trying to work, and then getting deported. Immigration is difficult, even for Americans. But it is possible.

  • I like the idea of Reddit and it works much better than Lemmy. But the moderation and AI scraping make it a no-go site for me anymore which is a shame.

    I love internet forums and have been a mod at some and very high poster at other. But the snowball effect gets them. If there’s no traffic, there’s no posts, so there’s no traffic. You need to have a good community to make it work. One area reddit really shines, small communities exist on a huge platform. Great idea before the enshittification.

    I hate discord and the fact that anyone replaces customer support or fan support pages with it, is just fundamentally broken. The idea of a forum is that the question is asked and archived. 20 years later someone else googles the question and sees the answer and all the replies that lead up to it. That’s what forums are for. In discord you ask a question and 30 seconds later it’s gone forever eaten by useless drivel. Never to be searched or found again. Idiotic.

  • 😂


    Require licensing, registration, live gps tracking, and geofencing with a proprietary app because Freedumb people ruled that’s what the free market needs.

    They then rule, nah. Actually just ban em all.

    And now even if you bought them, buy them elsewhere, or just try to use them on a US device you won’t be able to. Selling them is illegal both from a company and on third party resale if it passes. Even police departments that are using them as spies and have the DJI alerting system installed all over town to track and log everybody in the sky, will need to get rid of it. But I doubt they will, of course it will be exempted for the pigs in blue.

    If you can’t beat em, or even match their capabilities, ban em or implement 100%+ tarrifs. New American motto of the “free” market.

  • TechNerdWizard42@lemmy.worldtoTechnology@lemmy.worldApple AI vs. Microsoft AI
    24 days ago

    People who use and trust Apple, are idiots. They gasp in wonder when they receive such new advances like arranging icons on your screen. Did this with my Palm Pilot in the 90’s and every phone, even Windows Mobile phones on 2002/2003. But now it’s “NEW”!

    Same thing with AI and Apple. Too stupid to actually know any better. But when Daddy Apple says you are going to use it, everyone fawns.

    Sending your data, all of it, to a cloud is not privacy. I guarantee this is part of the content scanning and reporting requirements being seen across the globe. It’s under the public relations marketing to prevent CSAM, human trafficking, drug crimes, etc. But anyone with a brain cell knows that’s not the why. That’s the way it can be sold to fear mongering groups.

  • Welcome to Reddit 2.0 I guess.

    I personally HATE having 10 articles all about the same thing posted and reposted. Then reposted again for the next week as if they’re new. The anti-Big-D-Democratic posts of this user were not reposted. They brought new stories from places I wouldn’t visit and read or have in my biased news feed. Everyone’s “news feed” is biased, it learns what you engage with even if you try to be unbiased.

    Banning people who post differing opinions is shitty. It becomes an echo chamber. Today it is Trump and Biden. But <insert slippery slope argument here>.

  • Correct. Not sure why people are too stupid to down vote you. He is not a convicted felon at all yet. And the sentencing will be postponed and the entire thing appealed. Because of course it will be. That’s the standard playbook, draw it out. Maybe the sentencing will go ahead. But it will be appealed. The only chance of this man being held accountable before the election is with contempt charges where the judge could order jailing in addition to the fines.

  • No you misunderstood my point. The fringe candidates are the only ones that actually coax out real answers from the major candidates. The game has changed. It used to be (the whole thing is really modern, but whatever) the host asked tough questions, and the candidates responded. Now the hosts ask soft balls and all you get are prepared statements.

    But the fringe idiot candidates can basically yell and scream at the other candidates and push them to say or not say something on record. And if enough audience/national-viewers hear the question and want the answer, the candidate has to put out a statement. From that you’ll learn just how meaningless it is or not.

    And that’s where a lot of these special interest deals are forged. The major candidate agrees to give up a very small concession that may be of importance to a few fringe voters and overall meaningless to their campaign, and gets those voters. But if nobody presses them on the issue, they give up nothing and they still get the votes. It’s better to have some balances in there for a 2 party winner takes all system. It’s the only parliamentary part of the process. Forming a coalition before election.