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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 18th, 2023

  • On the other side of this, you have company’s that are in tangential fields looking to grab up a piece of that pie. Electricians, low voltage companies, fucking furniture companies (oh, we totally do audiovisual, that’s similar enough), the C-suite is trying to force their way into this new golden goose and expecting their staff to be able to handle this without training, time, or real hands on experience. And, no, a 2 day workshop from a manufacturer isn’t really “training”, at least not the only training needed…

  • What’s ironic is that it’s the liberal-eating-local-buy-local-equality-socialist types that are are subsidizing their ability to live in that small rural town at all.

    County State Aid roads, clean water infrastructure, education, business development grants, farm grants… All of that is paid for by big city taxes, which typically (not always… Looking at you Ft. Worth…) lean liberal. In my state one rural community received tax funding at a rate of 480% compare to what they paid in, where as the city center reviebes about 60% of the taxes they pay.

    Farm-to-table? Anti-trust regulations? Farm subsidies? The USDA rural development? All paid for in large part by taxes, most of which come from city centers.

    And yet exactly what you said - they want liberal big cities gone. They see them as a plight upon the land.

    It’s crazy.

  • Unfortunately, the President has no role in the scheduling of substances. The Supreme Court has already made it clear the president cannot do this by executive order, and Congress gave the power to schedule dugs to the DEA.

    The DEA takes the recommendation from HHS. HHS basically then hands the reigns over to the FDA, who then evaluates the drug, and provides evidence to the HHS based on testing and scientific research. HHS then takes that information and creates a scheduling recommendation for the DEA.

    Then, the DEA takes that recommendation, does its own research and has a public comment period, and THEN it can reschedule a drug.

    Since Congress gave the president no direct role in this process, all the administration can do is appoint officials they think will be supportive of their decisions, and then make their opinions known, and act as a bit of grease to get things moving.

    Descheduling is even more difficult - first because of international treaties, and second - part of the reason marijuana has not been rescheduled already is due to a lack of scientific evidence for specific things the FDA looks for. This is largely because people can’t do research because of its classification… So it’s a catch-22.

    If the DEA rewchediles weed, this would allow for further research to be conducted which in time could allow it to be fully rescheduled.

    The DEA has already signalled they are planning or at least wanting to reschedule weed to allow for further testing.

    See here

    OR… Congress could pass a law removing marijuana from the controlled substances act.

  • It isn’t. Or at least it isn’t as big of a problem as they are letting on. https://www.retaildive.com/news/retailers-crime-problem-numbers/699107/

    Shrink has hovered around 1.5% (that’s 1.5% of total sales…) And the NRF has been coy about the fact that 1/3 of that shrink is “administrative” issues - lost product, mis allocated, warehouse issues, broken in transit, etc.

    Additionally, a little less than a third is from employee theft, and a the remaining 36% is external theft.

    But since they lump mistakes and general admin issues in with theft, they get to claim a higher number whenever they complain very loudly so that they can redirect the conversation away from the massive increase in profits they have had, along with the increase in wage theft cases they are losing, as well as trying to cover up the fact they are closing “under performing” stores in poorer neighborhoods (which not limits access to people in those locations, but the store doesn’t care, they dont buy stuff anyway…).