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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 13th, 2023

  • This is so not true unless you are using some super stable old Debian release and aren’t doing complex work.

    Most DEs are super buggy, especially the darling child kde, which right off the bat makes things not super stable.

    Additionally some of the most loved distros are rolling release and inherently unstable.

    Hell, I use multiple distros daily, fedora and slackware, I also use windows for work, windows is by and large more stable in my experience.

    Slackware has kernel panics monthly, kde crashes on fedora, Wayland has too many problems to count, meaning I have to switch to x sessions all the time.

    Most GUI software I use has tons of visual glitches.

    Yes it’s tolerable, that’s why I still use it, but I wouldn’t exactly say it ‘just works’

    I would estimate I restart my fedora computer about 4-5 times more often than than the windows computer, and usually I have to restart fedora because of serious hard crashes (e.g. kde crashes so hard that I can’t even switch to a tty, meaning I need to hard reset)

  • I wasn’t attacking you, or even referring to you as a dev, though it would have been a fair assumption regardless given the topic at hand.

    I also wasn’t claiming ‘hard labor’ is better or anything, just that there is a large discrepancy between the quality of life and work of the jobs the article is referring to and the jobs that the majority of people actually work.

    Many software developers need perspective on the privilege they have, this is coming from someone who has worked a variety of jobs in different industries, attended trade school and university, and is currently a developer.

    Fwiw I was generally agreeing with you.

  • devs are such babies. I went to school and got licensed as an a&p (9 part proctored exam with written, practical, and oral components) and was working in the weather for $16 an hour, working my way up and dodging layoffs (which dont make it in the news because blue collar) to 25 an hour after years and years.

    This is working as an aircraft mechanic, at various levels. This is a high hazard environment filled with carcinogens (solvents like methyl ethyl ketone), fall hazards, operating heavy equipment.

    I got qualifications like engine run and taxi qualifications that result in $0.25 raises.

    Mandatory overtime, busting knuckles, freezing in the cold, boiling in the heat, standing on concrete all day.

    Oh and if I fuck up, planes crash, people die, and I go to jail.

    I got a job as a software developer in the same area working for a medium sized company no one has heard of (300 person engineering department) and I work 8 hours a week, with no deadlines, at home, and make 3 times the salary. The worst I have to do with is identity politics and stupid meetings, 🤷.

    These jobs are absolutely dream jobs for people who have perspective on what bad jobs actually are.

  • It’s absolutely insanely horrible and probably some of the most invasive drm I have ever seen even proposed.

    This would require doing deep analysis on all of the content going through the stream. That analysis sure as hell isn’t being done locally since smart TV’s can barely run their own operating systems, so everything getting offloaded to Roku servers and then they get to put ads on whatever they determine to be an appropriate time.

    This technology enables censoring and blacking out signals that Roku decides you don’t get to see, or preventing the release of the hijacked stream unless you perform certain actions, or just not releasing the stream at all unless you pay, effectively extorting you.

    These cheap smart TVs already give you the worst panels and the worst processors. And now get to be extorted out of your own data being delivered the ten feet from your computer or PlayStation to the TV.

    It’s beyond ridiculous.

  • Your connection would not allow streaming one Blu-ray quality video stream, and good luck doing anything else in the connection while that is happening.

    If your work sent you a 10gb file and you needed to send it back, it would take you 3 hours to do that. (With a functionally useless connection otherwise while downloading and uploading the file)

    Downloading a popular game like baldurs gate 3 would take just under 9 hours.

    Downloading it twice (to play with your spouse or kids) + updates, and then watching Netflix (which will cut into your download speed) while you wait for it download would toil away a weekend.

    Nevermind the fact that slow Internet literally wastes away your life as you spend more micro moments just staring at blank and partially loaded websites.