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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 20th, 2023


  • Itā€™s the only place in the world where the Jewish people are guaranteed protection by a government.

    They failed massively on this part on last September. Not only did they ignore several countries warning then but they actively moved soldiers from protecting the border to Gaza to the Westbank to help in their illegal settler campaign. And even after being engaged in massive battles in Gaza they KEEP fucking things up in the Westbank, ensuring that the people there will continue to hate Israel. And thatā€™s by no means a new development but they have been doing so for decades.

    So yeah, they are doing a really shitty job at protecting their people.

  • Well I donā€™t have your view on GOP/Putin and their relationship to Russia. I think itā€™s very obvious why after hacking both the Democrat and GOP mail servers only the Democrat one were leaked. There has to be quite some juicy stuff the Russian now hold over several major GOP players.

    But tell me honestly man - do you believe if Biden were to be elected (which at this point is becoming increasingly unlikely if you are watching the polls) - do you think he will manage to bring abortion back?

    Abortion still is around for a lot of states. So at the very least Iā€™m certain that Biden and hopefully a Democrat majority in the Senat will prevent it being banned in the whole country. I mean the Republicans really arenā€™t silent about their plans and that should be important to any sane person. If they get another Trump turn, it will get a lot worse for the US than it ever could under Biden.

  • But the inequality isnā€™t addressed! Parentā€™s now have to shell out additional money to buy school uniforms and you can bet that kids who spend their free time around other kids still want to have what ever shoe, pants or jersey is in right now. They sure as hell donā€™t spend their free time in their school uniform! So this does absolutely nothing to address this issue.

    And frankly, handling peer pressure is a topic that every parent should properly teach their kids. The solution to this for damn sure isnā€™t to buy your kid what ever fashion trend is in right this week!

  • Not sure if youā€™re just so damn cynical or are knowingly are pushing Russian propaganda.

    But damn dude, Trump and quite a few top Republicans is balls deep into Russiaā€™s pockets. Thatā€™s the reason that they suddenly are actively taking Russiaā€™s point of view. Something that 20 years ago never would have been possible.

    And sorry, but if you think that the US becoming a full fledged theocratic oligarchic dictatorship than what it is right now then you really didnā€™t think through what that would mean to you and those you love. Their plans regarding abortion and pregnancy prevention alone should be more than enough to point you in the right direction.

  • thatā€™s what iā€™m saying. he would drop usā€™s support of the war, likely ending the war sooner. so heā€™s not necessarily a war monger.

    Well yes, in a conflict where he gets orders from Putin to not help, he of course doesnā€™t go to war. But his general attitude to war really isnā€™t a secret. That dude nearly started a war with Iran in his first term for example.

    we have already lost democracy if we have no choice but to vote for someone. either way you donā€™t really have a choice. see what i mean? trump and biden are different pathways to the same end game. death of democracy

    No! One candidate has already tried to overthrow an election he lost, the other didnā€™t and has been very outspoken for his support of democracy. If thatā€™s really your take away from that then I really have no idea what you did in the last decade. You certainly didnā€™t payed attention to whatā€™s going on.

  • i donā€™t know what trump would have done. neither do you. the guyā€™s a bit of a wild card. for example look at russia heā€™s totally down to just drop the ukraine war. meanwhile biden supports prolonging it however long is necessary

    What are you talking about? Trump obviously wouldnā€™t support Ukraine. Itā€™s really no secret that heā€™s in Russiaā€™s pocket. His attitude towards Muslims also is something heā€™s very open about. Not to mention his love for strong-men wanna be dictators like Netanyahu is well known. To think that he would be better for Palestinians is ridiculous. So no, Iā€™m absolutely certain that Trump would have handled this situation much worse and will handle it worse if he gets into office while itā€™s still raging.

    they canā€™t just expect people to keep voting for them because of the eternal right-wing boogeyman. because itā€™s getting so bad people are actually starting to wonder if maybe the far-right proto fascist is better and thatā€™s a piss poor state of affairs for a democracy to be in

    Then these people are fucking stupid and donā€™t realise how much they have to loose living under fascism. Especially if their Muslims living in the US! The Israel Palestinian conflict is one thing, to loose democracy at home is something much worse.

  • Both candidates are supportive of Israel, but one is going to be catastrophic for the US and plenty of other countries, while one is going to beā€¦fine?

    And even if we just look at the Israel/Palestine policy, itā€™s clear that Trump is worse than Biden. Not because Biden is doing a good job but because Donald ā€œKill the familes!ā€ Trump is batshit insane on this topic and would advocate for every brutality he could think of. Biden at least tries to reign in the worst Netanyahu tries to do. For example by making him stop the hunger siege. Trump never would do that.