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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 11th, 2023


  • No one in their right mind would argue that millennials are struggling. The way the average wage across the world has been driven down is abhorrent. Now show me how this is the fault of boomers.

    This is what I wrote in another post:

    Everything regarding boomers and wealth accumulation is nothing more than culture wars and a race to the bottom. The real enemy are those that have manipulated politics to allow them to abuse labour laws and taxes. We should not be looking at why some have did well in life, we should be looking at why some are not. It should not be a race to the bottom, it should be about getting more for for those who deserve it.

    No one pushing these culture wars like to highlight just how tax systems have changed in the last 80 years.

    In 1944, the top rate peaked at 94 percent on taxable income over $200,000 ($2.5 million in today’s dollars3). That’s a high tax rate.

    The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 slashed the highest rate from 70 to 50 percent, and indexed the brackets for inflation.

    During the 1990s, the top rate jumped to 39.6 percent.

    All the while governments across the world have added loopholes to facilitate tax evasion on a massive scale.

    Median earnings have gone up 2% in real terms since 1980. But the disparity between those who have and have not has changed in favour of the richest. The poorest are now much worse off than they have been since the 80s, and the richer are vastly richer.


    Your problem is not with a Pseudo-generation, it is with the way the system runs. Everything is stacked against those without money.

  • Precisely this. Everything regarding boomers and wealth accumulation is nothing more than culture wars and a race to the bottom. The real enemy are those that have manipulated politics to allow them to abuse labour laws and taxes. We should not be looking at why some have did well in life, we should be looking at why some are not. It should not be a race to the bottom, it should be about getting more for for those who deserve it.

    No one pushing these culture wars like to highlight just how tax systems have changed in the last 80 years.

    In 1944, the top rate peaked at 94 percent on taxable income over $200,000 ($2.5 million in today’s dollars3). That’s a high tax rate.

    The Economic Recovery Tax Act of 1981 slashed the highest rate from 70 to 50 percent, and indexed the brackets for inflation.

    During the 1990s, the top rate jumped to 39.6 percent.

    All the while governments across the world have added loopholes to facilitate tax evasion on a massive scale.

    Median earnings have gone up 2% in real terms since 1980. But the disparity between those who have and have not has changed in favour of the richest. The poorest are now much worse off than they have been since the 80s, and the richer are vastly richer.


  • Nice word salad that doesn’t change the fact that NATO attacked Afghanistan and abused the people of the country for two decades.

    Many countries were involved with Afghanistan and as I said it was in response to an attack on US soil. The rest is just gibberish and ignores the fact that there was an ongoing conflict before any NATO country intervened. No one can deny that mistakes were made in the handling or the initiatives involved, but this is not due to NATO attacking another nation to start a conflict.

  • Yugoslavia was an ongoing civil war, and was a humanitarian intervention only. NATO positioned themselves between the factions to prevent any further conflicts arising. NATO were criticised for not participating in stopping some of the atrocities at the time.

    Libya was in response to a UN resolution regarding the conflict already ongoing within Libya.

    Syria had a civil war running for years prior to US intervention. ISIS decided Syria was destabilized so much that it decided to form a self made country there. It was because of ISIS that some NATO countries intervened.

    Afghanistan was a US led initiative that included a lot of NATO countries over its period, but was not initiated by NATO. It was in response to a cumulation of events, the penultimate was the 911 attacks in New York. The initial attacks were US, UK, Canada, NZ, Germany, Italy and the Arab NA. So no it was not a NATO attack, and no it was not initiated by any NATO state.