Marley from Marley and Me
Marley dying at the end of Marley and Me
It was like soft-PPV because you needed Netflix. But, yeah, not old-school PPV by a long shot
The best thing apple ever did was convince you they don’t collect and sell your data like the other tech giants. You think they’re a trillion dollar company by their hardware alone?
Apple is just as shit they just make sure folks don’t realize it
There’s also a feature to disable the biometrics for unlocking in general but to stay active to unlock apps (like bank apps or password managers). I like this because no matter what you can’t unlock my phone without the pin but I still get the convenience of using it for my app security
Samsung phones have this as a feature too. I think it’s under device care
That’s why I prefer roots of pacha. You can make days 2x as long in the settings
Lots of channels getting strikes are showing anbernic and steam decks and the like running the roms featuring Nintendo games being emulated on said device and not just a video capture of the game
I have been thinking more on this. Seems like a spare router with no Internet should suffice. Gives it a connection with no Internet so it can’t go anywhere and since it has a connection it shouldn’t be hunting for open networks
Is it possible to open the TV up and just break the wifi module?
You can also set it up so biometrics can be used by apps but not to unlock the phone. That way it’s easy to get to your apps and such but trivially more difficult to unlock.
That only works if you’re rich
Most EA and Ubisoft games I’ve played run fine on Deck. Just need to run the game in desktop mode first and then it boots in the Steam UI side of the OS just fine.
Go Goats! Just don’t do the oil change 😅
And if there were an “ambush”… Well, the cat would be out of the bag since you told everyone, mister article writer.
Justifying why Apple does it compared to Google doesn’t make it better. That’s like saying, “Well, they didn’t hit me THAT hard so it’s okay. The other guy would hit WAY harder.” Neither is okay
He’s already said as much. So I’d imagine it’s more incipient than possible
2% of nothing is still nothing 🤷
And statistical analysis. The larger the universe, the smaller the true random sample you need