And your just now figuring this out. 🤨
And your just now figuring this out. 🤨
Just don’t wear it on your sleeve and most folks, (the idiots that care, especially), are unlikely to notice. They look for stereotypes, not facts. Your sexuality isn’t the whole of you, it’s just part of who you are. No need to flaunt it, most of the time. If you have a hobby, interest, or career that stereotypically matches the sex you present as, it’s all the more likely no one will notice, and those few that do, probably won’t care.
Any of the US news communities would be a good place to start. https://lemmy.world/c/keeptrack is tracking the 2nd Trump administration specifically.
“Meta has us in a chokehold. They make money off our presence in order to continue to be in business and yet it’s too difficult for people to leave,” Makichen wrote.
Difficult? How? I’m pretty sure I still have an account on Facebook from it’s early days, but I haven’t logged in to it in more than a decade. Friends and family can reach me in other ways, like email or better yet a phone call.
Go to bed early if possible. Coffee if I can’t and then try to stay away from other humans till I can be less of an asshole.
If I’m shifting my schedule, I’ll try and aim for 9 -10 hours in bed until my body adapts, then it’s back to the 6 to 7 I usually get.
Decisions are made by those that show up. If you didn’t vote, you don’t get to bitch when the results aren’t what you wanted.
My personal website is just a static website, built using Hugo and served using Caddy. Originally it was hosted on a Digital Ocean VPS but now it’s hosted from my home.
My needs were simple enough that even that much is probably overkill though. Honestly I just wanted something that I could understand completely how it works and be able to update it easily as life went on.
Depend on what I’m doing and where I am. At work, I’m usually using my iPad more than anything and note taking is usually work related. For that I use an app called GoodNotes (basically a PDF annotator. Think pen and paper, but digital.). If I’m at home, I usually type the notes into a markdown file using a text editor. Todo lists and shopping lists are usually done in Reminders on my iPhone.
It’s a classified military installation. Those that know for sure don’t talk and those that are talking are probably talking out their ass.
It is known that it has historically been used as a test and research location for highly experimental stealth aircraft. They probably do EM sensitive research and testing there now, but I suspect that the really interesting stuff is happening elsewhere due to how well known and watched it has become. It’s probably more of a decoy than anything else at this point.
Long ago, I remember hearing rumors about a more secretive base a bit west of Groom Lake and south of the Cheyenne Mountain complex. If true, that’s probably where the really secret stuff is happening now. No clue what happens there.
I know your pain. I had the same problem in 2013.
Everyone said it was a horrible time to buy a house, “The rates/prices are too high, wait a bit” but I also couldn’t afford to get an apartment that wasn’t a roach motel for less than $1k per month, so I bought a house anyways. Now I’m laughing with my $750 USD mortgage while the idiots who kept telling me it was a horrid time to buy a house are bitching about their apartment leases that keep going up each year and paying out 1.5k to 2k per month in rent.
Renting really only makes sense if you know you are going to be moving a good distance frequently over the next several years. If you have a steady job you are planning on staying at for a while, better to buy. You can always rent it out if life changes your plans for you.
Set a time frame by which you want to move in, and a budget roughly 2 times but not more than 4 times your annual gross income and see what you can find for that in that time frame.
When my wife and I bought our house I was making roughly $50k a year, so we were looking at the $100k-$150k price point but wound up finding our home at $90K. Not a palace by any stretch and it needed a new roof, but it’s been a great house. Basing our budget off just my income and aiming for the lower side of 2-4x income has allowed us to stay in our home even when me or my wife was out of work for a bit.
Look and see if there are any programs for first time home buyers in your area also. I forget exactly what program we qualified for but we were able to get our mortgage for $0 down at the added expense of mortgage insurance. It cost me more per month (and over all) than it would have if I had had the traditional 20% down but TANSTAFL.
Make sure you get a fixed rate mortgage though and not an adjustable rate one. I’ve a sneaking suspicion that rates may wind up going back up in a few years and such a roller coaster has cost more than one person I know their home.
I’ve been diving into Fallout lately. Love the world building. Definitely wouldn’t mind a 5th installment. May wait a few years after they release it for them to fix the worst of the bugs before playing it though. Bethesda may make great games, but damn they a buggy mess.
Take your pick. All of them have been pretty bad. Worst though might go to Star Wars, Star Trek, Matrix fandoms.
Most of the operators in the working list also work in other search engines including YouTube’s internal search engine.
The last one that I can think of is probably Gundum Wing, although I watched a lot of Flinstones reruns growing up as well. Almost everything in both of them went way over my head as a kid.
More than a little older than 5 years, but this is probably my favorite “new” Christmas song.
what do you use that aloe vera for?
Same as you would use store bought aloe vera gel. When applied to the skin, assuming you are not allergic, it can sooth minor burns and scrapes. As a last resort you can also use it as a laxative by ingesting it. Seriously, don’t eat it, it caused me to vomit as well as loosening my bowels the one time I did that. Normal store bought laxatives are far more “pleasant” to take.
Depends on the issue. For relatively minor burns I have an Aloe Vera plant, for example. I’m not against pharmaceuticals, or doctors, but for most of my life doctors have been prohibitively expensive or simply not available depending on where I was working at that moment so you learn how to treat most things yourself using whats handy. Giving yourself stitches fucking hurts worse than the original injury by the by.
I have a good paying job now with good insurance and there are multiple medical facilities nearby, but the old habits remain.
Fastest? Moving to a Spanish speaking country. Total immersion is how the French Foreign Legion teaches French from my understanding.
I would probably do a mix of a language program, say Duolingo, Pimsler tapes or Rosetta Stone, and asking a few of your Spanish speaking friends to speak primarily Spanish to you, switching to English only when you are completely lost on a concept. Between the two you should pickup Spanish or rather, their dialect of Spanish, fairly quickly.
I’ve been going through the Messenger Series by J.N. Chaney. It’s trash sci-fi, more than a little contrived in spots, and you really don’t want to go digging into, well anything about it, too hard. That said, it’s what I’ve been in the mood for, for the last little while and it’s often quite funny. Basic plot of the series is that an idiot finds an ancient jaeger, left behind by a long dead race, and must now face off against that race’s mortal enemy to save all life in the galaxy.
The first one that comes to mind is the order on birthright citizenship. Most of others I’ve looked into are in the borderlands of maybe. I seem to recall LegalEagle did a video on it, but I haven’t seen it yet. Haven’t had time.
Here’s the video if you’re interested.