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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 4th, 2023


  • The hardest years are still ahead of you. I have ADHD and was undiagnosed until junior year of high school. I was doing amazing in school until things started getting hard enough that I couldn’t just rely on my current knowledge and had to actually study. Make sure she develops strong study/organizational habits now before she gets into high school, because that’s when things can really start to fall apart. It sounds like you are already doing a great job, and more than my parents did at that age, so you might have far less of an issue.

  • I share a lot of those albums in my top listens! I highly suggest any album by the Avalanches (there are only 3.) Start with Since I Left You, then Wildflower, then We Will Always Love You. They’re a group from Australia that kinda popularized Plunderphonics. Where they just bought a TON of old records and made songs purely from samples. Since I Left You is an amazing album that is pure samples, easily over 1000 samples were used.

  • Serious question from an autistic dude who is awful at this kind of thing. If you are genuinely attracted to a person and are interested in dating them is it wrong to just state that outright then? Because I see plenty of women where I like their dress, or their hair color etc. but that doesn’t mean I’m actually attracted to them. I suppose simply stating “I find you very attractive” might be best as it is just all encompassing?