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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: August 10th, 2023


  • It FLABBERGASTS me that people get on internet forums knowing anyone could be from anywhere and have ulterior motives and not run everything thru the very basic filter of “qui bono”, which is latin for Who benefits? The double tap is “Follow the money.”

    If the opinions put across lead to a conclusion that politically oppositional countries would find beneficial…guess what…you’re talking to someone on their payroll. Or worse, you’re talking to useful idiot doing the job for free.

    I’ve called out hundreds of shills over the past few years. Hundreds. The only rational way to look at opinions online is askance.

    There’s a new word for you, it’s personally my favorite, so remember it, use it, love it, spread it, and apply it to the internet. And tell others to do so as well.

  • I fully agree with you. 2 caveats.

    For the last 15 years, that I can recall, every year it was reported that more people who are or lean left have been buying the bulk of weapons. The left isnt toothless and honestly, most of the fucks who drove around in Trump trains, bullying on the freeway and what not, would shit their pants if fire were returned their way. Like all bullies, theyre real tough until they meet someone who is, then they’re a bunch of chicken shits. Case in point; Uvalde

    And it pains me to think it but I do; America’s “silent majority”, those too afraid to lose what they have to speak out, won’t budge until we see a REAL loss.

    Take this, entirely plausible scenario.

    Trump wins the election, not because people want him, but because the status quo (which is all Democrats can ever offer - they aren’t a party of leaders; they’re a party of middle managers) is destroying us all, and/or because our support for Israel, as they become the newest genocidal, eternal victim/pariah. Genocidal Joe is a baaaaaad moniker. Trump comes in, 2025 starts getting implemented. To distract, in the name of national security/health war is declared on the cartels, without discussing it with Mexico first and the bombing campaign begins as troops are built up in Cali/Arizona/NM/Texas. Soldiers push out off of America soil. Skirmishes are ran across the border and back again. Keep in mind - any military action inside the states is illegal. Legally they would have to establish a beachhead to invade; but that defeats the softer point of the whole venture, which is to normalize military use around civies. Protests erupt after our military, under direct orders to do, start channeling their inner Israeli and kill every human in sight. Mexican Americans, the majority along the border, grind the 2 largest state economies to a halt. Police are overwhelmed…next thing we know, Tucson doesn’t exist anymore, thousands of American are dead, at the hands of our military…

    That’s the threshold I think it’d take for any fucking Karen or Kevin to realize things have gone to far. I hope I’m wrong.

    I hope Shawn Fein can pull it together for 2028 like he’s mentioned. I’ll be standing in the roads right next to you brother.

  • Well in Seattle, before CHOP, that bitch ass east precinct started all the violence on cap hill, every single night. Then abandoned shop as if they were under attack, which they weren’t.


    and those far right terrorists? Yea, those were ICE and BP in unmarked cars, in civilian clothing, pulling up throwing bags over people’s heads and throwing them in the trunk. People just walking home from work, not even involved. Pure fucking terrorism. That’s what Trump levied against the PNW.

    I’m not fucking kidding either. This whole place is fucked, not even worth the paper the bullshit sanitized lies we were raised on.

  • In my mind, if a company wants to set a generalized education requirement, above high school, that company should be required to pay off its employees student loans. Otherwise it’s using the education system as a subsidized training program.

    Note I said generalized. Engineers, doctors, etc who desire to ever be employed can’t stop at a bachelor’s anyways. Even still, their employees should have to pick up their training tab.

    Business has gotten a free pass for 40 years and look at the society they’ve created with it. Maybe civilization needs more than a love of money to sustain it. Crazy huh.

  • If someone has the financial means to assert themselves or their rights, then they are obstacles to the oligarchies goal of enshrining their wealth and having the government, that we pay for - they don’t pay taxes, protect their wealth for them, from us. Why else usurp regulatory control?

    We pay for our own oppression then. This is, no hyperbole, the face of Slavery, Inc. and the 100% guarenteed, as immoral as inevitable, end of corporatocracy (late stage capitalism). Correcting course won’t be easy, how to won’t be shared thru media, and the doing so absolutely will not be legal. But what choice are we left with? Live on your knees or die on your feet?

  • Your point is valid.

    Mussolini described fascism as the merger of the corporation and the state, his entire cabinet was staffed with the heads of industry no less.

    Now, a technocracy, where the smartest people, the experts, have the seats of power sounds…logical. Assuming the CEOs, whose only skill is having access to capital (kowtowing with the rich, its about who you know, etc) are the experts is exactly what the media sells us everyday and as the only thing Elon Musk has genuinely done on his own is show us that, boy oh boy, we do NOT live in a meritocracy. And he bought his way into that one as well, staying true to character.

    Corporations are an accountability shield that enable atrocity. It used to be that it took religion to convince man to compromise his moral self and commit evil (…look at Israel right now). In the modern world we have streamlined the process, no faith required. Giving the morally jettisoned power is such a horrible horrible idea.

    If Trump wins, not only will we all face down his fascist regime (Immigration and Border Patrol brown shirted) but I worry the solidifying of corporate statemanship into the permanently entrenched (our own taxes fund our oppression) would mean reform, thru voting or any other peaceful means, rendered impossible.

    I consider that likelihood at 100%. The same as declaring war on the cartels, under public safety over fent, to climatize people to the military operating in our borders, before they’re ordered to illegally act against us. That probability, mark my words, 100%

  • Sanders would’ve beat Trump in 2016, could’ve done it in 2020 and could do it now.

    He’s the most liked politician in America, respected across the aisle, and gets standing ovation from Fox News Town Halls, because even if they disagree with his ideas, even your rank and file Republican can see he means well and is genuine.

    2016 Bernie got sandbagged. Elites thought Status Quo would stem off populist rage, never looking at any cause of why there’s so much populism on all sides. It must be the candidates right? Its definitely not that 80% of the country still hasn’t bounced back from 2008, the news lies to us everyday and half the populace wants to fix it (left, which is in reality, center right) and the other half are a mix of accelerationists whive lost faith in change (justifiably) and want it to all burn down and opportunists (neo-nazi’s, fascists, and authoritarian theocrats - one big group that collectively, to the shame of their mothers, needs to learn to mind their own fucking business and stop trying to tell people what to do). 2020 was performance for Bidens cabinet from the start, it was suuuuuper obvious by the media’s handling he came pre coronated. I say this as someone who likes Biden. He’s been a stand-up family man his whole life and he’s pivoted away from corporate interests towards the people’s, not as much as I’d like, and it’s about 40 years late, but I like that it’s happening.

    I wouldn’t mind Shawn Fein for 2028, especially if he pulls off a general strike on mayday, mid campaign. He’d be a fucking LEGEND then.

    The DNC, liberals, have got to look around and realize that the status quo is a tough pull to swallow. Both sides of the aisle HATE corporations, those in the center work for them and politicains on both sides are bought and paid for by them. The dip shits who make up the WEF, who think we’ll all be happy not owning anything, from the outside, seem to want to incite a real life purge. I don’t think they actually mean too, I think they’re too far removed from normality, that they think they’re better and smarter than us rubes, and that if violence broke out, they’d survive it…in a country with more bullets than IVs, and full of veterans who watched their friends die for rich greed. I think the rich are preeeeetty fucking detached from how precarious their situation is. Jamie Dixon and Larry Fink have both been squawking, on record, that profits before people isn’t working and the business class needs to pivot, but it doesn’t seem like many are listening.