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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 9th, 2023


  • That’s really the kind of organizational skillset that’ll get things done. /s

    Even with their fear-mongering and everything I will never understand why the right keeps electing the kind of people who refuse to show any level of qualification. Like ok, you hate taxes and think that corporations should have the right to poison your waterways, but why are you electing the blatant liars and fraudsters who can’t even seem to put their pants on the right way ‘round? At least go for someone who seems to have some level of skill.

    Oh, right, people with skill are less and less likely to actually ascribe to those broken ideologies. Maybe that should be a sign.

  • That would include, for many of the party’s young supporters, explicit backing of “remigration” of Germans with immigrant roots who “fail to integrate”. News in January that top AfD officials had discussed such a proposal prompted widespread outrage and sent tens of thousands of Germans on to the streets in protest.

    However, among many AfD voters, the notion has become an unabashed talking point. “Not everyone should have to go but at least the criminals, like in Mannheim – this can’t go on,” said Konstantin, 17, referring to the killing of a police officer in the western city just days before the election, allegedly by an Afghan asylum seeker with a jihadist motive.

    Oh for fuck’s sake are we doing this bullshit again?! C’MON, GERMANY, GET IT TOGETHER.

  • The EV thing isn’t the worst, though I’d like to see that money going towards public transportation for more people. It’ll always be better and all that really does is help the rich stay richer while poorer folk still need to buy used gas-powered vehicles until a used EV market picks up.

    Maybe it’s in there and I just didn’t see it but the biggest issue with the CAFE laws is that there are exceptions for huge vehicles that no one needs which makes them cheaper to manufacture. A smaller, lighter wagon will generally have more space, actually, and be better on fuel but no one makes them because they realized they could just pump ads at people focused on “feeling powerful” in large vehicles. You can also make the wagons EV and the smaller size and weight will improve their range, too. You’re looking at how things are instead of how they easily could be(and were not too long ago).

    I know Biden’s done ok with some stuff but it’s still kinda weak and the fact that he’s looking for a pat on the back for the bare minimum is kinda pathetic. And people still have to vote for the dumbass because the DNC won’t let anyone better come forward and the GOP are a disaster like no other.

  • Almost like he should just listen to the voters and also all the fucking scientists and economists if he wants to energize tired voters.

    “Stop selling Israel weapons.” “Be more aggressive with climate policy, we’re already late and can’t dilly-dally anymore.” “Oh my god just actually make a fucking effort instead of offering lukewarm responses all the time.”

    It’s not hard, and the science backs up the demands.

  • Someone else pointed out that the east cost apparently uses 3mil barrels per day. I highly doubt costs will be cut here. Plus the U.S. already has cheap as dirt gas prices. The guy you’re reaponding to is mad at imaginary solutions.

    If Biden wants to help people he needs to reduce the reliance on fossil fuels. He needs to revise the rules that incentivise building larger, hungrier vehicles, and the citizens need to stop bitching and moaning while driving around objectively worthless guzzlers. Anyone who drives a truck or SUV when they could easily just own a station wagon has negative respect from me.

    I am aware, also, that several things can happen at once but centrists are always so fucking weak in their responses to anything and never solve any problems without the left having to twist their arm every which way for decades. It’s exhausting.

  • The fucked thing is that it wouldn’t be such a huge deal but they all want to make money on the current number of customers instead of their potential. People are poorer and poorer and have to choose maybe one or two services at a time at the prices they are.

    They would rather get one customer for $15/mo than 4 or 5 customers for $5/mo. And they together created an environment where it’s hard for any one of them to make the first move. Healthy competition only really works when people act in good faith and none of these people are capable of that even when it benefits them.

    Business people are truly dumbest creatures on this planet. “What if we make them poor and then charge them a bunch of money? That makes sense, right? And if they get upset we tell them it’s their fault.”