They’re thought about all the time. So far only one person made it past that.
They’re thought about all the time. So far only one person made it past that.
Biggest reason I stopped using Google
Well, the news is now out that these corporate fatcats are not as untouchable as they think
Simple. Power corrupts. Even with a socialist government there is always gonna be power hungry people seeking authority over their constituents. Think of the majority as sheep, comfortable with being herded and the power hungerers as the wolves slavering to enslave them.
And closes the door on market share as well
They’re still too hardheaded to get it
No such thing as too much solar to anyone but an oil man
Ups is not usps
How could you not? Do you buy things so often that that happens a lot? Ignoring the grammatical error of in instead of on, are you actually expecting a package with that numberwhich is not a typical USPS tracking number
That’s not abuse, that’s remediation of a political lynching wholly motivated by the butthurt babies in congress
Or a fan of Movietone cartoons
Greed twists all minds.
Bet the orange is sitting back in his diaper wringing his hands in avaricial glee
Not me. Everyone else though. In the land of rednecks,that is the lot of the intellectual
That’s exactly what he’s trying to do. If you had been even halfassed paying attention you would’ve known that
The sb part of the acronym means Serial Buss which is what all external peripherals used to connect to the system. The u part means Universal as in one size fits all. Every iteration of the spec has led up to this point. We had A,B,Micro, and now C. Everything could also be wireless today if there were enough spectrum available
Sticking your neck out always has the risk of having your head lopped off. But if you never stick it out there you don’t see the light
Just keep in mind the longer you have one the yellower it gets
Convenience always has a cost