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Cake day: June 13th, 2023

  • If WW3 comes around, and this time Germany gets wiped off the face of the map- honestly, I can’t claim I’d be overly saddened about it at this point. For the innocent Germans yes, but the country honestly has it coming. Time and time again, they never learn; perhaps Morgenthau had it right after all. Perhaps all of the west needs either a decolonization (for those stolen lands with disenfranchised indigenous peoples) or a series of Morgenthau plans writ large. If this leads up to WW3, from whatever ashes remain, I think it’ll have to be the interest of the entire non-western world to ensure exactly that.

  • Here’s hoping there’s a future ahead where the west has no key industries- no agricultural chokeholds upon much of the global south as the US weaponizes constantly now, no competitive or relevant automotive, aerospace, weapons, heavy, tech, etc. industries that they have always used also to terrorize and destabilize the rest of the planet (and even minorities and the proletariat in their own imperial cores), where the prestige of the western institutions, built and maintained through blood money and sustained through the brain drain of the global south and east, will dull in comparison to those built on true, civilizational, humane foundations, and where western media falls to the wayside in contrast to the voices of the true global majority, who have for so long been slandered with every kind of blood libel and other shameless lies and exploitation by western “journalism.”

    So, cheers to Biden (and Trump, since he did it first- with Biden of course criticizing him for what he himself shamelessly does and to far greater extent now) for these self-destructive actions. Go on, dismantle the economic and industrial foundations of the empire more- while I’d prefer it to be otherwise as I live in an imperial core myself, the fact is the western regimes cannot be trusted with anything, and it will likely be decades if not- if one were deeply pessimistic- centuries before western society is properly decolonized, something which is as vital as de-Nazification was (and still is desperately needed) in Germany, and something which is every bit as poisonous, racist, genocidal, and exploitative as Nazism, which is just one of its faces (inspired by and a failed imitation in comparison to AmeriKKKan Manifest Destiny).

  • We all know that it’s not a matter of if there was wrongdoing, or not. Or are they going to go raid the offices of American and other western companies next? Are they going to give them equal treatment? Or are all the inconveniences (and it certainly sounds like however you look at it it it was also that- an inconvenience, a disruption- awfully convenient, if only such diligent rule of law could be applied to less melanated, lighter haired, western individuals), somehow focused around the non-western companies who conveniently happen to come from the country that’s being slandered as the “yellow peril?” Where’s this treatment for non-Chinese?

    And let’s not forget to address the elephant in the room- Europe and the west is playing a blatant game of hypocrisy and double standards. But then, if the west did not have double standards (which even then have to be bolstered with heaping doses of lies and slander on the entire non-western, non-white world) they would have no standards at all.

    Whatever the outcome is, I’m sure we’ll see a lot of hot air on the Europeans’ side. But two can play at the same game (albeit only one side with actual legitimacy- and it’s not Europe) and I hope in time they do, and needless to say the Europeans will not enjoy what comes (entirely deserved) of that- for with even a fraction of the scrutiny, and the treatment, that China and other non-western countries receive, (and without the western smears no less) and a hell entirely of their own making (and long overdue) will be on their heads.

  • In the West’s Afghanistan campaign, for example, America, Britain and Canada bore the brunt of the 3,500 casualties, while most European participant nations lost 50 or less.

    I see, I see, which side won that war again?

    And the Afghanistan campaign was against scattered goatherders. And if that’s not the fairest comparison to the Taliban- true, and they deserve more credit for their effective anti-colonial effort; but compared to Russia on its home turf, it may as well have been hapless goatherders the west was up against in Afghanistan.

    The Euros have another thing coming if they think they can waltz in with superiority in air, armor, munitions, tech, etc… Russia will bleed them dry and then finally discard the Europeans’ pretensions of remaining great powers like a used condom in the dustbin of history.

  • Article 5 wouldn’t be triggered because the countries would be acting in Europe’s name, not Nato’s

    In other words, there would be little reason not to clean them off the face of the map- they’re valid targets and they wouldn’t have any promises from big daddy AmeriKKKa. And Russia has already said western soldiers, there in an official capacity would be struck.

    A part of me honestly hopes they try it- not sure if that’s the greater or lesser part, at that. Because while time is on our- the global south and east’s side, and the side of the true international community and overwhelming majority of humanity, if the neocons (or in the Eurocons’ case, perhaps neocucks- they have nothing but Yankee-fueled cuckery and the racist impotence of lost empires to fuel their hateful little minds) try to push their luck I don’t think Russia will flinch, and neither, I doubt, will China or Iran, even if they all would prefer peace- if peace is yet again clearly demonstrated as not an option, I expect they’ll back whatever deterrence and punishment may be necessary to get the rabid western neocon dogs to heel.

  • Frankly? If a hot war happens, and if nukes start flying, the US has to be wiped off the map. That’s my take on it- the world will never be free without it. It makes no sense to leave the empire of genocide and forever wars intact, to simply continue poisoning the entire world like you describe. If nuclear war (which is likely what said “hot war” will become) happens every bit of the Anglo-American imperial institutions must be uprooted and destroyed in their entirety.

    edit- also, either way, the sanctions have been the straw on the camel’s back- if the CPC is smart (they are) and if the rest of the BRICS is also (they generally are) they will “de-risk” from Germany and the EU either way. At this point it doesn’t matter if the sanctions are lifted; the path forward for China is to perhaps cooperate with the EU where profitable, but to chart its own course with a focus on self-sufficiency and prioritizing actually reliable partners, rather than the slimy imperialists, who will sooner or later try to sabotage them yet again. Same goes for India, Russia, and the rest of the world- frankly, western Europe and its colonial spawn have spent 500 years showing the world the treacherous, malicious nature of its institutions and societies, and thankfully this time around I think the lessons will stick (particularly because other options are now available) for most of humanity.

  • As someone who would otherwise really want to wish the best for Germany, and has a particular fondness for (the better parts of) German culture as my partner’s family is from there- honestly, I can’t bring myself to give a shit. Has there ever been as cucked a nation, a state, as present Germany? And their actions, whether regarding Palestine, or Russia, or China, or Palestine (worth stating twice and then some) have killed any pity. Even as someone living within an imperial core (Canada) and seeing the systemic destruction of the quality and affordability of life in my country all I can say is, the deindustrialization of the west can only be a good thing nowadays. This isn’t an accelerationist take; this is simply the practical take- there is no wealth, no industry, the west can have that they will not put to use furthering the cause of genocide, white supremacy, imperialism, and even potentially humanity-ending destruction at the moment, is my take on it.

  • They went from blaming Putin for destroying his own pipeline, to blaming Ukranians- who by that logic may as well have sailed across the Black Sea, Med, and North Sea to probably plant the bombs from a rubber dinghy- to now once again pretending no one could know who did it (or who promised to do it, who had the means and motive to do it, was in the vicinity for naval exercises, was exposed by credible sources with receipts as to exactly how they did it, etc)…

    I suppose if Europe and the west has been a plague upon the rest of humanity for the past 500 years, it is only right that they should be unable to change their ways even as they spiral to the grave. There’s certainly something very satisfying and undignified about all this. (obviously I’d prefer things to get better, but I’ll take what I get)

  • The real progress being done in transitioning to renewable energy was in China and India anyways. That said, the environment may be important- but I rank it many levels below the more pressing issues of resolving peoples’ immediate needs- food, shelter, clothing, human dignity and peaceful development… all of which require western imperialism out of the picture.

    No amount of climate talk (however legitimate it may be- which it is) will make me de-prioritize those immediate needs for people coming first and foremost. Anyways, whether we’re talking the carbon footprint of the US’ military, or the constant environmental crises caused by western corporations acting with impunity in other countries- as I see it, the root of the problem needs to be dealt with first.

  • At this point also, relations with Russia are pretty much permanently over. What sensible nation, in Russia’s shoes- with new and reliable, friendly trade partners, would ever bother return to the European market, at least, for the prior status quo? The myth of “white brotherhood” and Russia ever being accepted as “European” is over now- and all the while, the Euros are proving more and more deranged- their leaders calling out blatantly for regime change, balkanization, terrorism and the assassinations or targeting of Russian civilians.

    Nordstream is dead, also because the trust and/or reasoning for it is also entirely dead- on the Russian side in particular. Why should Russia ever support European industry ever again? They have better, proper trade partners now, ones who won’t steal hundreds of billions in Russian foreign reserves and investments, who won’t instigate color revolutions next door and instigate Nazis into enacting pogroms of ethnic Russians and terrorism in Russia proper, ones whose populations are even outright Russophilic rather baying for ethnic Russian blood (granted, that’s a large share of the world outside the crackerverse), whether it be China, India, Iran, etc…

    The Euros will have to get used to either buying Russian oil through intermediaries (at a premium, of course), or seeking out other sources- either paying out the nose for US oil, or buying from the various other states like the Arabs or Venezuela, who have no reason to trust them (though money is still money, end of the day, for as long as the Euro keeps its value anyways) and who have every reason to view them with distaste.

    Honestly, I’m all for it. The only thing better than the deindustrialization of Europe, could be the further deindustrialization of the US. I’m not an accelerationist, but as I’ve come to see it- any and all industrial capacity of the “international community” is no benefit to the rest of the world, rather the opposite.