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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 14th, 2023


  • I don’t know how the universe began because it happened 13-26 billion years before I was born. However it is fair to assume that there were some factors that we don’t understand, and it is healthy to understand the limits of our knowledge, as well as how far centuries of meticulous science has helped push our collective understanding.

    Pretending to understand all of our universe’s questions through a story made up by ancient bandits, whose answers directly contradict those we have undeniably proven through science, is just stupidity in this day and age.

    Maybe, hypothetically, there was some creature of another dimension that was able to create our universe in some kind of container. Maybe all the energy of the universe really did just appear out of nowhere. But we have no evidence, and your story is still made up.

  • sure, but don’t equate ‘obsessed edgelords’ with people making simple factual statements online

    most atheists don’t think about religion much at all except for when it’s presented to them in the form of people making illogical claims online. at that point it’s fair to offer the contrary opinion so the people passing by the thread can make their judgement as to what is and is not crazy

    it is completely reasonable to compare santa and the tooth fairy with god because they are all mythological, which presents the question of why people treat one as sacred and the others as simple stories. it highlights the irrationality of beleiving